文档中心 > Miravia Open Platform

3. Update Status

更新时间:2024/04/24 访问次数:166

4. UpdateStatus

Post /v2/product/quantity/update

1 Description

The "UpdateStatus" endpoint manages the status of products, influencing their availability and visibility on the platform. Here's a breakdown of the different status:

Active: Description: Products in the "Active" status are ready and poised for publication. They are visible to users, and transactions can occur.

Inactive: Description: Products marked as "Inactive" are in a state of temporary suspension or hold. They are not currently available for purchase or display. This status is typically used when a product requires further attention or adjustments before being made available again.

Delete: Description: Products in the "Delete" status are no longer available on the platform. This status implies a more permanent removal from the system, and the product is no longer visible or accessible. Deleted products are usually archived or removed from the database.

2. How to delete an existing product :

For example if the product is already created, we have two ways of delete the product:

1 Product with [sku1,sku2,sku3]

    1. call "updateStatus" with productId and empty sku.
    2. delete all skus in the product:

2 product with [sku1,sku2,sku3]

a. call "updateStatus" with productId and sku1, sku2 ,sku3.

Ongoing Features (Delete status)

1. In the current development phase, if an erroneous SKU, not present in our database, is deleted, no error message will be generated; the deletion will simply not take place. Consequently, it is imperative to exercise caution when entering SKUs and to verify their status post-deletion.

2. Product restoration is presently unavailable. Following deletion, should you wish to re-publish a product, it will necessitate creating it anew.

Please take into consideration:

1. If both item ID and SKU are passed, an error will be reported.

2. If you provide the item ID alone, the status of all SKUs associated with that item ID will be updated.

3. If only the SKU is provided, only that SKU's status will be modified.

Json Examples

