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Update Price and Quantity

更新时间:2024/04/24 访问次数:173

Post /v2/product/price/update

1 Description:

In order to update the stock of the items listed in Miravia we have created an specific endpoint in order to manage the changes. There is a minor to update the stock between using only one warehouse or multi warehouses. In this guide, we are going to explain how to update the stock with only one warehouse.

Use this API to update the total inventory of the corresponding warehouse for an product.

2. UpdateQuantity

  • update without multiwarehouse: call /updateQuantity with "quantity" and "seller_sku".
  • udpate with multiwarehouse. call /updateQuantity with "warehouse_quantity" and "seller_sku".

JSON example

Please take into consideration:

  1. When updating the quantity, if you provide the SPU along with the SKU, all SKUs under the specified SPU will have their quantity updated.
  2. If you only provide the SKU, only that specific SKU's quantity will be changed.
  3. No more than 20 SKUs per call.



The "UpdatePrice" endpoint is designed to facilitate modifications to the pricing structure of products on the platform.

Please take into consideration:

  1. If the discount price field is empty, the value from the price field will be taken.
  2. If a discount price is added, the final price will reflect this discount.
  3. If the price field is empty and the discount price is not, an error will occur.
  4. No more than 20 SKUs per call.
  5. The price cannot exceed 2 decimals place

JSON example

