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Fulfilment by Miravia- API operational guidelines

更新时间:2024/01/10 访问次数:456

What is Fulfillment by Miravia (FBM)?

Fulfilled by Miravia (FBM) is a service where your products are stored, packed & shipped directly from a Miravia warehouse to ensure your customers enjoy the fastest, most convenient delivery. Note that the items still belong to the seller/brand. FBM is just a consignment model, you have full control of prices and stocks.


  1. Seller having completed all registration and onboarding processes.
  2. Seller must subscribe to FBM through Miravia Seller Center, and this is a one-time move.
  3. The merchant has successfully established a store, subscribed to the FBM service, and completed the onboarding process to FBM.
  4. When you have the FBM enable you will able to access to the FBM platform.
    1. Access to products> fulfillment by Miravia

Screenshot 2023-12-18 at 16.27.49.png

b. Company detail> merchant code ( this code will be required in most of the endpoint parameters)

1. Create Product SKU (FSKU):

Endpoint: Post/fbm/fulfillment_sku/create

  • Call this API to generate a product SKU. If unsuccessful, review the error message, rectify the issue, and retry. Record the product ID upon successful creation.

2. Bind Product Relationships:

Endpoint: Post/fbm/fulfillment_sku_relation/bind

  • After successfully creating the FSKU, use this API to establish the connection between the product SKU and FSKU. If unsuccessful, analyze the error message, correct the issue, and retry. This step is complete upon successful binding.

3.Generate Product Labels:

Endpoint: GET /fbm/fulfillment_sku_label/get

  • For products utilizing FBM FSKU labels, when printing product labels is necessary, employ this API to acquire a link to the PDF file containing the label for printing on products. If creation fails, analyze the error message, correct the issue, and retry. This step is complete upon successful label generation.

4.Query Product Information:

Endpoint: Post /fbm/fulfillment_sku/get

To retrieve product information, use this endpoint.

5.Update Product Information:

Endpoint: Post /fbm/fulfillment_sku/update

  • To modify product details, use this endpoint. If creation fails, analyze the error message, correct the issue, and retry. This step is complete upon successful update.

6.Unbind Product Relationships:

Endpoint: POST /fbm/fulfillment_sku_relation/unbind

  • When necessary to detach the relationship between products, use this Endpoint. If creation fails, analyze the error message, correct the issue, and retry. This step is complete upon successful unbinding.

7.Create Replenishment Order:

Endpoint: POST /fbm/purchase_order/create

  • Use this API to generate a replenishment order. If creation fails, analyze the error message, correct the issue, and retry. Record the replenishment order number and specific product details for subsequent shipment scheduling.

8.Query Replenishment Order Information:

Endpoint: GET /fbm/purchase_order/get

  • Utilize this endpoint to retrieve information on the replenishment order, including its status and warehouse entry details.

9.Schedule Shipment for Replenishment:

Endpoint: POST /fbm/appointment_order/create

  • After creating and confirming the shipment quantity for the replenishment order, use this endpoint to schedule shipment and generate appointment and entry orders. If creation fails, analyze the error message, correct the issue, and retry. Record the appointment and entry order numbers upon success.

10.Schedule Shipment Time:

Endpoint: POST /fbm/appointment_date/create

  • Following the successful creation of the appointment order, schedule a specific entry time using this endpoint. If creation fails, analyze the error message, correct the issue, and retry. This step is complete upon successful scheduling.

11 Capacity Inquiry for Rescheduling:

Endpoint: POST /fbm/available_ability/create

  • In case rescheduling is required due to insufficient capacity, use this API to inquire about available capacities and determine suitable entry times.

12 Reschedule Shipment Time:

Endpoint: PUT /fbm/appointment_date/update

  • In the event of successful scheduling, if a change in appointment time is necessary, use this API to modify the appointment.

13.Initiate Shipment:

Endpoint: POST /fbm/inbound_order/deliver

  • During shipment, use this API to input shipment information and upload a detailed packing list.

14.Retrieve Packing List Document:

Endpoint: Post /fbm/purchase_order_document/get

  • After successfully uploading the packing list, use this API to obtain a link to the box label file. Print this label and affix it to the corresponding box.

15.Replenishment Order Status:

Endpoint: (To be specified)

  • Monitor the progress of replenishment orders through the messages. For replenishment orders that have entered the warehouse, use the previously mentioned replenishment order query API to obtain specific details on the stocked products.

16. Real-time Inventory Inquiry:

Endpoint: Post /fbm/inventory_real_time/get

  • Use this API to inquire about real-time inventory.

17.Inventory Movement Records:

Endpoint: Post /fbm/inventory_change_record/get

  • To check warehouse in-and-out movements, use this API.

18.Initiate Product Return:

Endpoint: POST /fbm/return_order/create

  • When it's necessary to return products from the warehouse, use this API to create a return order, confirming the specific product details. If creation fails, analyze the error message, correct the issue, and retry. Record the return order number upon success.

19.Query Return Order:

Endpoint: GET /fbm/return_order/query

  • Use this API to inquire about return order information and understand the outbound situation.

