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Integration validation - Testing page

更新时间:2023/12/20 访问次数:321


  • About this tool
  • How-to access the page
  • Options description
  • Validate in your system - Option details
  • How-to use for PRODUCT and "Validate in your System" flow
  • How-to use for ORDERS SINGLE and "Validate with file" flow
  • How-to use for ORDERS MULTIPLE and "Validate with file" flow
  • How-to use for PRODUCT and "Validate in your System" flow
  • How-to use for ORDERS SINGLE and "Validate in your System" flow
  • How-to use for ORDERS MULTIPLE and "Validate in your System" flow
  • How-to use for FEED and "Validate in your System" flow

1. About this tool:

This tool provides developers with a tool to test their software before moving to a production environment. Currently it supports testing for the product, feed and orders domain.The testing capability is related to an "Scene", which belongs to a domain in OpenPlatform. For example, the "Product" or the "Feed" scenes belongs to the product domain in Open platform. The "Orders Single" and "Orders Multiples" scenes belong to the Order domain.Each "Scene" has a set of operations that will be validated by this tool.


  • createProduct
  • updateProduct
  • updatePriceAndQuantity
  • updateProductStatus


  • getOrder
  • getOrderItem


  • getOrders
  • getOrdersMultipleItems


  • createFeedDocument
  • createFeed (For Product Listing)
  • getFeed
  • createFeedDocument
  • createFeed (For Update Prices)
  • getFeed

Before an appKey goes to production, it is neccesary that:

  • Either orders_single or orders_multiple are passed
  • Either feed or products are passsed.

To pass those scenes, different validation methods are provided, with the intention to facilitate the testing for the appKey.



How-to access to the page:

To access this page, please go to App Console option in Open Platform: https://open.miravia.com/apps/


After login, then you can access this page by clicking in the left menu "Integration validation" option:


Options description

In this page, you can have different fields displayed, depending on what do you select.Initial status:


Regarding the "identifier" field: depending on the scene, it will vary from one field to another. For the product Scene, it is required that the same seller sku is present in all the requests.
This is required because we want to ensure that through the calls performed, the AppKey is able to manage a complete scenario (For example, in the case of product, its required that this field is present in all the operations performed)

After select Scene and validation method File

After selecting validation method "File", the following status is shown:


After select Scene and validation method Log

The following fields are shown:


Validate in your system: Option details

In this section we will check the details of how this function works.

Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 10.35.00.png

The idea of this option is to allow the ISV to perform operations in their own system using miravia's open platform endpoints.
As the diagram shows, first, the ISV web page user will click on the "Start test" button. Then the ISV application must call OP endpoints.
After all the operations are executed, then, it is neccesary to wait 30 seconds, before clicking on "Stop". This is neccesary as we need to record the operations in our system.
After the "Stop" button is clicked, all the executions will be evaluated in Miravia's system.

How-to use for PRODUCT and Validate with file:

For this scene and file, we require to fill the following operations:

  • createProduct
  • updateProduct
  • updatePriceAndQuantity
  • updateProductStatus

Please check the required parameters for the operations in the open platform API console: https://open.miravia.com/apps/doc/api?path=%2Fproduct%2Fcreate

In order to fill the template, it is neccesary to set the required values for each operation. In this case, this is the template:


  "createProduct": {
    "urlParams": ""
  "updateProduct": {
    "urlParams": ""
  "updatePriceAndQuantity": {
    "urlParams": ""
  "updateProductStatus": {
    "urlParams": ""

In the "urlParams" it is neccesary to set the required parameters for this request in URL format.


    "createProduct": {
      "urlParams": "payload={\"Request\":{\"Product\":{\"PrimaryCategory\":\"62214215\",\"Images\":{\"Image\":[\"https://fb-es.mrvcdn.com/kf/Ed72d9145a56c45668e374567eb5e283df.jpg\"]},\"Attributes\":{\"name\":\"TB NEW SINGLE PRODUCT\",\"short_description\":\"test product for TB\",\"description\":\"test product description for TB\",\"brand\":\"No Brand\",\"warranty_type\":\"Local (Singapore) manufacturer warranty\",\"made_in\":\"CHINA\",\"delivery_option_economy\":1},\"Skus\":{\"Sku\":[{\"quantity\":1,\"SellerSku\":\"TESTING_PRODUCT_SEPTEMBER_b1fdac0e-2209-7-2\",\"ean_code\":\"7863776891642\",\"color_family\":\"Rainbow\",\"status\":\"active\",\"price\":94,\"special_price\":20,\"package_length\":1,\"package_weight\":10,\"package_content\":\"test what's in the box\",\"package_width\":1,\"package_height\":1,\"Images\":{\"Image\":[\"https://fb-es.mrvcdn.com/kf/E084f171062b546778db8c0da593cd589U.jpg\"]},\"ShopSku\":\"test_tb_new_product_1234\"}]}}}}"
    "updateProduct": {
      "urlParams": "payload={\"Request\":{\"Product\":{\"ItemId\":\"1234567\",\"Attributes\":{\"name\":\"TESTING_PRODUCT_SEPTEMBER_b1fdac0e-2209-7-2\",\"description\":\"Description example test\",\"short_description\":\"Short description example test\",\"brand\":\"No brand\",\"delivery_option_sof\":\"Yes\"},\"Skus\":{\"Sku\":[{\"quantity\":8,\"color_family\":\"Yellow\",\"price\":\"94\",\"special_price\":\"30\",\"package_length\":\"10\",\"package_weight\":\"11\",\"package_content\":\"Surprise\",\"package_width\":\"12\",\"package_height\":\"10\",\"ean_code\":\"7863776891642\",\"SellerSku\":\"TESTING_PRODUCT_SEPTEMBER_b1fdac0e-2209-7-2\",\"Images\":{\"Image\":[\"https://fb-es.mrvcdn.com/kf/E0bff2f7c58f04aa5bf49b31f79b2ee6dc.png\"]}}]}}}}"
    "updatePriceAndQuantity": {
      "urlParams": "payload={\"Request\":{\"Product\":{\"Skus\":{\"Sku\":[{\"Quantity\":10,\"SellerSku\":\"TESTING_PRODUCT_SEPTEMBER_b1fdac0e-2209-7-2\",\"Price\":\"100\",\"SalePrice\":\"75.60\"}]}}}}"
    "updateProductStatus": {
      "urlParams": "status=DEACTIVATE&seller_sku_list=[\"TESTING_PRODUCT_SEPTEMBER_b1fdac0e-2209-7-2\"]"

For the access token, it can be filled using the "Loan test account" option:


For the field identifier, in this case, should be filled with the sellerSku. The same sellerSku must be used in all the requests.
Once all the required parameters are set, please click on "Start test" to execute the filled template with the security parameters.
Execution example:


How-to use for ORDERS_SINGLE and Validate with file:

For this scene and file, we require to fill the following operations:

  • getOrder
  • getOrderItem

Please check the operations in the OpenPlatform API documentation, and fill the template file accordingly. In this case, the required parameters are as follows:


Check the complete documentation here: https://open.miravia.com/apps/doc/api?path=%2Forder%2Fget
The template of the file is as follows:

  "getOrder": {
    "urlParams": ""
  "getOrderItems": {
    "urlParams": ""

The values for urlParams, must be in url format. For example:

  "getOrderItems": {
    "urlParams": "param1=544501952002&param2=12345"

The identifier, in this case, must be set as the "order_id" value. This order_id must be set in all operations. (Check the execution result)

For the access token, it can be filled using the "Loan test account" option:


Once all the required parameters are set, please click on "Start test" to execute the filled template with the security parameters.
Execution example:


How-to use for ORDERS_MULTIPLE and Validate with file:

For this scene and file, we require to pass the following operations:

  • getOrders
  • getMultipleOrderItem

Please check the required parameters for this operations in the OpenPlatform API documentation: https://open.miravia.com/apps/doc/api?path=%2Forders%2Fget

The template is as follows:

  "getOrders": {
    "urlParams": ""  
  "getMultipleOrderItems": {
    "urlParams": ""

The required parameters must be set following the url format. For example:

  "getMultipleOrderItems": {
    "urlParams": "param1=[544501952002]&param2=..."

For the access token, it can be filled using the "Loan test account" option:


Once all the required parameters are set, please click on "Start test" to execute the filled template with the security parameters.
Execution example:


How-to use for PRODUCT and Validate in your System:

In this case, we the operations will be executed in the client application system.

The required operations to execute in your system are:

  • createProduct
  • updateProduct
  • updatePriceAndQuantity
  • updateProductStatus

The execution flow for this page will be as follows:

1) Go to Integration validation page, select "Validate in your system" option

2) Identifier: In this case, set the sellerSku. It must be the same sellerSKU for all the operations

3) Click on "Start"

4) Execute the operations in your system. Keep in mind that the required operations are:

  • createProduct
  • updateProduct
  • updatePriceAndQuantity
  • updateProductStatus

All these operations must be executed using the appKey that you are trying to validate

5) Click on "Stop" button. Remember that it is neccesary to wait 30 seconds after the last operation is completed. This is because we need to collect the logs and inspect the operations performed with your appKey.

6) Check results

After that, the results should be displayed in the screen:


How-to use for ORDERS_SINGLE and Validate in your System:

In this case, we the operations will be executed in the client application system.

The required operations to execute in your system are:

  • getOrder
  • getOrderItem

The execution flow for this page will be as follows:

1) Go to Integration validation page, select "Validate in your system" option

2) Identifier: In this case, set the sellerSku. It must be the same order_id for all operations

3) Click on "Start"

4) Execute the operations in your system. Keep in mind that the required operations are: getOrder


these operations must be executed using the appKey that you are trying to validate

5) Click on "Stop" button.

Remember that it is neccesary to wait 30 seconds after the last operation is completed. This is because we need to collect the logs and inspect the operations performed with your appKey.

6) Check results

After that, the results should be displayed in the screen:


How-to use for ORDERS_MULTIPLE and Validate in your System:

In this case, we the operations will be executed in the client application system.

The required operations to execute in your system are:

  • getOrder
  • getOrderItem

The execution flow for this page will be as follows:

1) Go to Integration validation page, select "Validate in your system" option

2) Click on "Start"

3) Execute the operations in your system. Keep in mind that the required operations are:

  • getOrder
  • getOrderItemsAll

these operations must be executed using the appKey that you are trying to validate

5) Click on "Stop" button.

Remember that it is neccesary to wait 30 seconds after the last operation is completed. This is because we need to collect the logs and inspect the operations performed with your appKey.

6) Check results

After that, the results should be displayed in the screen:


How-to use for FEED and Validate in your System:

The execution flow for this page will be as follows:

1) Go to Integration validation page, select "Validate in your system" option

2) Click on "Start"

3) Execute the operations in your system. Keep in mind that the required operations are:

  • createFeedDocument
  • createFeed (For Product Listing)
  • getFeed
  • createFeedDocument
  • createFeed (For Update Prices)
  • getFeed

All these operations must be executed using the appKey that you are trying to validate

4) Click on "Stop" button. Remember that it is neccesary to wait 30 seconds after the last operation is completed. This is because we need to collect the logs and inspect the operations performed with your appKey.

5) Check results

After that, the results should be displayed in the screen:


