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3. Manage products in bulk - Via excel csv - Automatic feed

更新时间:2023/10/05 访问次数:937


  1. Introduction : A short description of what is automatic feed and understand the process from high level.
  2. The workflow : How the flow works
  3. Creating the management (feed) files
    1. Product Listing/Update : This is the template to store all your sku infomation, Miravia will perform Create New Products/Update Products actions based on what users have provided by the Product Listing/Update Template.
      1. Business logic of Template : Please pay attention to ParentSku and SellerSku column in the template, Creating or Updating products are mainly determined by different combinations of ParentSku and SellerSku.
        1. How to create a new product
        2. How to add a new sku to the existing product
        3. How to update the product
    1. Update Price/Stock : This is the template used to update Price or Stock of your existing Sku, support multiple warehouse inventory. (After you create products in bulk with 2.1-Product Listing/Update template, you can use this template to update price or stock of the created products in bulk.)
  1. Configuration of Automatic Feeds
    1. sFTP Connection : Sellers can upload the feed file to their sFTP severs and setup the connection details in Miravia's seller center
    2. HTTPs url



Miravia is providing a smooth and automatic solution to our selling partners to simplify the process of interacting with our platform. It consists in setting automated schedules to submit feeds at intervals that work for your business.


Currently we support two types of operation for this integration method.

Product listing/update:It allows you to do two different actions:

List your catalog in order to sell your products in Miravia platform.

If you already have products listed in Miravia platform you can update different attributes.

Update price/stock: When you need to update the price or the stock of a list of products and its variants you can use this method. Please refer to below workflow in order to perform these actions better.


2. The workflow

Step1: Download the newest template from Miravia's Seller Center-Products-Automatic Feed. Step2: Follow the tutorial to create a csv/xslx file: Creating the feed filesStep3: Follow the tutorial to configure your server: Configuration of Automatic FeedsPlease follow the order of the document guidelines


3. Creating the feed files

3.1 Templates

The logic behind the automatic feed process is based in our templates so it is very important that you follow the guidelines that we are going to describe bellow.
You can download the templates from Miravia's seller center going to the product managment section and clicking on "Automatic Feeds"

File definitions


In order that Miravia can process the file correctly the files must have the following structure:

Product Listing/Update:ProductListingUpdate_basic_sellerfilename

Update Stock/Price:UpdatePriceAndStocl_sellerfilename

If you are using sFTP solution, the output file will have this structure:

Product Listing/Update: ProcessResult_ProductListingUpdate_basic_sellerfilename

Update Stock/Price: ProcessResult_UpdatePriceAndStocl_sellerfilename

3.1.1 Product Listing/Update

1. Overview

This is the template to store all your sku infomation, Miravia will perform Create New Products/Update Products actions based on what users have provided by the Product Listing/Update Template.
Please remember to download the latest templates from Miravia's Seller Center-Products-Automatic Feeds before uploading the files.


We also provide the latest xlsx/csv templates here for your convenience.



3.2. Business logic of Template


Please pay attention to ParentSku and SellerSku column in the template, Creating or Updating products are mainly determined by different combinations of ParentSku and SellerSku. Here are the cases:


3.2.1 Create a new product

Here is an example:


When creating products: The same SPU with multiple SKUs should have a same ParentSku(TestProduct01) and the SellerSkus (TestProduct01-a/TestProduct01-b/TestProduct01-c/TestProduct01-d) should be put as concecutive rows together. New SPU+SKU will be created as long as they are not existed ones in your store.

Note: When creating more than one SKU for a product, the variant attribute is required. The variant attribute is a field used to distinguish each SKU, and the options of variant attributes of different SKUs in the same product cannot be duplicated.


3.2.2 Add a new sku to the existing product

Here is an example:


When adding a new Sku into an existing SPU:

The new adding SellerSku(TestProduct01-e) should not exist in your store.

ParentSku(TestProduct01) is mandatory and the existing one.


2.3 Update the product

Here is an example:


When updating products: No need to input parentSKU value, only filling SellerSkus(TestProduct01-a) can update the existing SPU and SKU information.


3. Fields explanation

Please, be aware of the Short descriptions for each of the fields. A wrong filling of the file may cause failure of listing or updating.


1) Before filling the file you need to map the categories in order to set the right key attributes and it possible values.The category must be a leaf category.

2) There are some categories that need to be approved by Miravia before you can use them,please check with your category manager.

3) You can get all the attributes by /category/attributes/get API to find the available or required attributes of the target categoryID. Please refer to this tutorial Miravia - Get category attributes on Open Platform-Getting Started.


Explanation of this field


Short description for frequent rules


Indicate the appropriate category ID for each product.


-An accurate category ID would boost search results. Please input the correct leaf category id. You can download a category list in Miravia's Seller Center.
-There are some categories that need to be approved by Miravia before you can use them.Please check with your category manager.
-The category must be a leaf category.

Category name

Indicate the description of the category id, This is key for products to be categorized and easy for buyer search and browse by different product category.


-Please input the correct leaf category name.It must matches with the category id.
-There are some categories that need to be approved by Miravia before you can use them.Please check with your category manager.

Product name

Product name is key to show what product it is. Brand name and Model/collection/distinctive selling points are highly recommended.


- Sensite words not allowed. Avoid irrelevant keywords as it may cause the listing to be banned.
-Up to 48 characters are recommended to show key selling points. especially it's the best to display in search results list. (Max 255).

Product images 1

The URL of the 1st generic image of the product. The most important main image to inspire buyer click or actions.White background required and aspect ratio 1:1 are strongly required for better display.


- Image can't be missing for product. Size between 330 and 5000px and white background required. Max 8 images and file size < 5M. Support url with sufix: JPG/PNG/WEBP. - The images of the same SPU cannot be duplicated. -Obscene image is strictly prohibited. - The URL must include the prefix of "https://" when you migrating external images. And ensure that our system can get the correct format image from the url you fill in. Please pay attention that not URLs with ".jpg" or ".png" or ".webp" suffixes are necessarily valid URLs. The key is that our system can get the JPG/PNG/WEBP image from the url you fill in. An external image URL example:"https://cdn.mimaos.com/documents/images/products/395640-1.jpg".

product images 2

Other image to display different side of the product. eg: left side/right side/back/details to zoom in. etc.Duplicated images will be reported with an error.


-Image size between 330 and 5000px and white background required. Max 8 images and file size < 5M. Support url with sufix: JPG/PNG/WEBP. - The images of the same SPU cannot be duplicated. -Obscene image is strictly prohibited. - The URL must include the prefix of "https://" when you migrating external images. And ensure that our system can get the correct format image from the url you fill in. Please pay attention that not URLs with ".jpg" or ".png" or ".webp" suffixes are necessarily valid URLs. The key is that our system can get the JPG/PNG/WEBP image from the url you fill in. An external image URL example:"https://cdn.mimaos.com/documents/images/products/395640-1.jpg".

product images 3

Other image to display different side of the product. eg: left side/right side/back/details to zoom in. etc.Duplicated images will be reported with an error.


The same as above product images 2

product images 4

Other image to display different side of the product. eg: left side/right side/back/details to zoom in. etc.Duplicated images will be reported with an error.


The same as above product images 2

product images 5

Other image to display different side of the product. eg: left side/right side/back/details to zoom in. etc.Duplicated images will be reported with an error.


The same as above product images 2

product images 6

Other image to display different side of the product. eg: left side/right side/back/details to zoom in. etc.Duplicated images will be reported with an error.


The same as above product images 2

product images 7

Other image to display different side of the product. eg: left side/right side/back/details to zoom in. etc.Duplicated images will be reported with an error.


The same as above product images 2

product images 8

Other image to display different side of the product. eg: left side/right side/back/details to zoom in. etc.Duplicated images will be reported with an error.


The same as above product images 2


Indicate your product's brand.


- Choose from the SellerCenter or input directly. - Some brands need permission to be used. Please ensure the brand has submitted an application and obtained authorization and check with your person in charge in Miravia if you have any concerns.- Mall sellers can't select 'No Brand'. -Restricted brands only for selected sellers.

Long Description

Indicate details of your product. A good product description enhances the quality of your listing and increases chances of sales.


- Please input 20 to 3000 characters for product description. - External url not allowed in long desription.
-Sensite words not allowed.
-Leave it blank when updating product will be considered as no change.


Indicates if the product has hazardous material.


-Inaccurate filling may result in additional shipping fee or failed delivery. -Allowed standard values contains: battery/magnet/liquid/flammable materials. Default value is None If not fill.

Variation Name 1

Indicate specific variation of your product. This is to define what options for buyer to select when placing orders. Eg: Colors.size.etc.

Conditional Mandatory

-You can create your own Variation but we strongly recommend you to use existing values for better search results.
-Variant value of the same SPU can't be duplicated.
-SKU counts are only allowed 150 lines under 1 product.Too many SKUs are not easy for customer to select.

Option for variation 1

Value of the varition.This is to define what SKUs for buyer to select when placing orders. eg: Green + XXL skirts. Red + XL skirts.

Conditional Mandatory

-You can create your own Variation but we strongly recommend you to use existing values for better search results.
-Variant value of the same SPU can't be duplicated.
-SKU counts are only allowed 150 lines under 1 product.Too many SKUs are not easy for customer to select.

Image per variation

This is the image of first variation name so that buyer can select with a preview from a small image. eg: image for Color.And it would be better not to put image for size.


*-Whitebackground and aspect ratio=1:1 are required.
-The images of the same SKU cannot be duplicated.
-Please remember to set images of all vatiations or leave all of them empty.
-Please make sure the variation of the category is allowed to set images.
-Only Variation1 can set images. If you customize variants: which variant you set images for.this variant will be Variant1. For example.the product set two variant names: color family and size. if you customize size and set images for it. then size is Variant1. so images are added to size instead of the default color family.

Variation Name 2

Indicate specific variation of your product. This is to define what options for buyer to select when placing orders. Eg: Colors.size.etc.

Conditional Mandatory

-You can create your own Variation but we strongly recommend you to use existing values for better search results.
-Variant value of the same SPU can't be duplicated.
-SKU counts are only allowed 150 lines under 1 product.Too many SKUs are not easy for customer to select.

Option for variation 2

Value of the varition.This is to define what SKUs for buyer to select when placing orders. eg: Green + XXL skirts. Red + XL skirts.

Conditional Mandatory

-You can create your own Variation but we strongly recommend you to use existing values for better search results.
-Variant value of the same SPU can't be duplicated.
-SKU counts are only allowed 150 lines under 1 product.Too many SKUs are not easy for customer to select.

Ean Code

Indicate the European Article Code of your product.

Conditional Mandatory

-Be aware that this value is uniqe and can't be duplicated in your store.Which means each EAN code can only be associated with one SKU in your shop.unless you deleted your obsolete SKUs.
-it should be numeric and less than 13 digits.
-EAN code of Some Categories not required.Generally EAN code is a mandatory field and required to fill in. But some of the categories can be exempted.such as fashion related categories/dresses/shirts etc. You can leave it blank for those categories. But if you input an EAN code in this field. it should be unique in the store and the EAN code should be valid and real.

Package Weight

Indicate the weight of the package in kg. Please ensure you have entered the right package weight (kg) and dimensions (cm) to avoid incorrect shipping fee charges.


-'Standard delivery' and 'Express delivery' which means DBM delivery only supports: parcels less than 40 KG. (L+W+H)<300 and (L*W*H)/6000 <40.
-Bigger parcels: please select 'Delivery by sellers' or apply DBS permission from your category managers.
-Package value should be only number.And only two decimal allowed.


Input your product price in local currency


-This price includes the taxes.
-Only positive values are accepted.
-only two decimal allowed. For example "9.999" is not allowes.

Special price

Indicate here if the product has an special price. it will be displayed as a sale price always. Please be careful to set this price. And we suggest you to manage special price with promotion tools in store.


-Special price is the promotion sale price. it should be lower than 'Price'.
-If 'Special price' is empty.then it will be sold with 'price'.
-If 'Special price' is maintained.the 'price' will be displayed as a crossed-out and not effective anymore.
-Special price can't be too low.
--Only positive values are accepted.And only two decimal allowed.For example "9.999" is not allowes.

Package Length

Indicate the length of your package in cm.Please ensure you have entered the right package weight (kg) and dimensions (cm) to avoid incorrect shipping fee charges.


-'Standard delivery' and 'Express delivery' which means DBM delivery only supports: parcels less than 40 KG. (L+W+H)<300 and (L*W*H)/6000 <40.
-Bigger parcels: please select 'Delivery by sellers' or apply DBS permission from your category managers.
-Package value should be only number.And only two decimal allowed.

Package width

Indicate the widht of your package in cm.Please ensure you have entered the right package weight (kg) and dimensions (cm) to avoid incorrect shipping fee charges.


-'Standard delivery' and 'Express delivery' which means DBM delivery only supports: parcels less than 40 KG. (L+W+H)<300 and (L*W*H)/6000 <40.
-Bigger parcels: please select 'Delivery by sellers' or apply DBS permission from your category managers.
-Package value should be only number.And only two decimal allowed.

Package height

Indicate the height of your package in cm.Please ensure you have entered the right package weight (kg) and dimensions (cm) to avoid incorrect shipping fee charges.


-'Standard delivery' and 'Express delivery' which means DBM delivery only supports: parcels less than 40 KG. (L+W+H)<300 and (L*W*H)/6000 <40.
-Bigger parcels: please select 'Delivery by sellers' or apply DBS permission from your category managers.
-Package value should be only number.And only two decimal allowed.


Indicate the stock of your product


- Only possitive numbers are accepted. - If you use Multiwarehouses you need to set different stocks with the Update Price/Stock process.
-Please set the stock quantity greater than or equal to promotion booked stock plus existed unshipped order booked stock if there is any.

Delivery by seller

Indicate if the delivery of the product is in charge of the seller or Miravia.Only If this one is selected other delivery options will be disabled automatically.


-Only standard value 'Yes' or 'No' are allowed. Leave it blank will be treated as 'No'. Fillin 'Yes' here represented this item delivery by Seller; Fillin 'No' here represented this item delivery by Miravia.
-Only permitted sellers can select DBS. If you want to select DBS please apply first from your category managers. Otherwise may result in failure of your create/update product process.

Attribute Name 1

Indicate the different specifications of your product

Conditional Mandatory

-Attribute element contains name key and value pairs describing the product attributes. Map the available attributes per category in the List Category template. You can download it from the seller center.

Attribute Value 1

Indicate the value of the attribute

Conditional Mandatory

-Attribute element contains name key and value pairs describing the product attributes. Map the available attributes per category in the List Category template. You can download it from the seller center.

Attribute Name 2

Indicate the different specifications of your product

Conditional Mandatory

-Attribute element contains name key and value pairs describing the product attributes. Map the available attributes per category in the List Category template. You can download it from the seller center.

Attribute Value 2

Indicate the value of the attribute

Conditional Mandatory

-Attribute element contains name key and value pairs describing the product attributes. Map the available attributes per category in the List Category template. You can download it from the seller center.

Attribute Name 3

Indicate the different specifications of your product

Conditional Mandatory

-Attribute element contains name key and value pairs describing the product attributes. Map the available attributes per category in the List Category template. You can download it from the seller center.

Attribute Value 3

Indicate the value of the attribute

Conditional Mandatory

-Attribute element contains name key and value pairs describing the product attributes. Map the available attributes per category in the List Category template. You can download it from the seller center.

Attribute Name 4

Indicate the different specifications of your product

Conditional Mandatory

-Attribute element contains name key and value pairs describing the product attributes. Map the available attributes per category in the List Category template. You can download it from the seller center.

Attribute Value 4

Indicate the value of the attribute

Conditional Mandatory

-Attribute element contains name key and value pairs describing the product attributes. Map the available attributes per category in the List Category template. You can download it from the seller center.

Attribute Name 5

Indicate the different specifications of your product

Conditional Mandatory

-Attribute element contains name key and value pairs describing the product attributes. Map the available attributes per category in the List Category template. You can download it from the seller center.

Attribute Value 5

Indicate the value of the attribute

Conditional Mandatory

-Attribute element contains name key and value pairs describing the product attributes. Map the available attributes per category in the List Category template. You can download it from the seller center.

Attribute Name 6

Indicate the different specifications of your product

Conditional Mandatory

-Attribute element contains name key and value pairs describing the product attributes. Map the available attributes per category in the List Category template. You can download it from the seller center.

Attribute Value 6

Indicate the value of the attribute

Conditional Mandatory

-Attribute element contains name key and value pairs describing the product attributes. Map the available attributes per category in the List Category template. You can download it from the seller center.

Attribute Name 7

Indicate the different specifications of your product

Conditional Mandatory

-Attribute element contains name key and value pairs describing the product attributes. Map the available attributes per category in the List Category template. You can download it from the seller center.

Attribute Value 7

Indicate the value of the attribute

Conditional Mandatory

-Attribute element contains name key and value pairs describing the product attributes. Map the available attributes per category in the List Category template. You can download it from the seller center.

Attribute Name 8

Indicate the different specifications of your product

Conditional Mandatory

-Attribute element contains name key and value pairs describing the product attributes. Map the available attributes per category in the List Category template. You can download it from the seller center.

Attribute Value 8

Indicate the value of the attribute

Conditional Mandatory

-Attribute element contains name key and value pairs describing the product attributes. Map the available attributes per category in the List Category template. You can download it from the seller center.

Attribute Value 9

Indicate the different specifications of your product

Conditional Mandatory

-Attribute element contains name key and value pairs describing the product attributes. Map the available attributes per category in the List Category template. You can download it from the seller center.

Attribute Name 9

Indicate the value of the attribute

Conditional Mandatory

-Attribute element contains name key and value pairs describing the product attributes. Map the available attributes per category in the List Category template. You can download it from the seller center.

Attribute Value 10

Indicate the different specifications of your product

Conditional Mandatory

-Attribute element contains name key and value pairs describing the product attributes. Map the available attributes per category in the List Category template. You can download it from the seller center.

Attribute Name 10

Indicate the value of the attribute

Conditional Mandatory

-Attribute element contains name key and value pairs describing the product attributes. Map the available attributes per category in the List Category template. You can download it from the seller center.

Seller SKU

SellerSku is more like an unique product identifier from seller internal operation or perspective. It is also an unique identifier for each product variation.


-Be aware that sellerSKU value cannot be duplicated in a store. Otherwise may result in failure of your create/update product process.
-Please input less than 200 characters.
-Leave it blank when updating products will be considered as no change.

Parent SKU

ParentSku is the original or main form of the product. If you're uploading a product with variants, it will group all the rows in one product. It is a non-buyable product used to relate SellerSkus. Item level product information will be read from ParentSku and not from SellerSku.


-Please input less than 200 characters.
-Creating and updating products are mainly determined by different combinations of ParentSku and SellerSku:
(1)When creating products: The same SPU with multiple SKUs should have a same ParentSku and the SellerSkus should be put as concecutive rows together. New SPU+SKU will be created as long as they are not existed ones in your store;
(2)When adding Skus into an existing SPU: The new adding SellerSkus should not exist in your store. ParentSku is mandatory and the existing one;
(3)When updating products: No need input parentSKU value. Only filling SellerSkus can update the existing SPU and SKU information.

Pick up in store

Indicate if the buyer can pick up the product in the store.


-This is the special service for buyer to pick up ordered goods in your offline stores. Pickup in Store only support for sellers who get the whitelist premission from Miravia. If you want to use 'Pickup in Store' please ask your person in charge to comfirm further informations. Otherwise may result in failure of your create/update product process.
-Please input 'Yes' or 'No' . Empty value will be regarded as'No' (or regarded as no change when you update products).

Delivery option standard

Indicate if the product supports Standard delivery option.


-This is the Standard delivery option(DBM) for buyer whose service is provided by platform. It will set as default selection if there is no other options selected.
-Parameter is invaild when you select Delivery by seller as your delivery option.
-Only standard value 'Yes' or 'No' are allowed.Leave it blank will be treated as 'No'. But if there the DBS=No or blank, this option will be set as default 'Yes'.

Delivery option express

Indicate if the product supports Express delivery option.


-This is the Express delivery option(DBM) for buyer whose service is provided by platform. And the cost will be higher than standard one.
-Parameter is invaild when you select Delivery by seller as your delivery option.
-Express delivery is only for sellers with permission. Please apply it from your category manager.
-Only standard value 'Yes' or 'No' are allowed.Leave it blank will be treated as 'No'.
-When you select Delivery option express as your delivery option. Delivery option standard will be input 'No' by default.



4. Important Notes

  • Ean code is uniqe and can't be duplicated in your store.
  • Some categories need to be approved by Miravia before you can use them.
  • Some brands need permission to be used. Please ensure the brand has submitted an application and obtained authorization and check with your person in charge in Miravia if you have any concerns.
  • When you migrating external images, the URL must include the prefix of "https://" when you migrating external images. And ensure that our system can get the correct format image from the url you fill in. Please pay attention that not URLs with ".jpg" or ".png" or ".webp" suffixes are necessarily valid URLs. The key is that our system can get the JPG/PNG/WEBP image from the url you fill in. -An external image URL example:"https://cdn.mimaos.com/documents/images/products/395640-1.jpg".
  • Only Variation1 can set images. If you customize variants: which variant you set images for, this variant will be Variant1. -For example, one product set two variant names: color family and size, if you customize size and set images for it, then size is Variant1. So images can be added to size instead of the default color family.
  • When there are multiple variants of the same product, the images of SPU and other SPU attributes only need to fill in the first line where the product name is located, no need to repeat them in the following sku lines. But if you want to fill in attributes of all the skus lines, please make sure all lines of same 'ParentSku' are the same. After creating the files, you have to configure your server in order that Miravia can fetch the content.



3.1.2 Update Price/Stock

1. Overview

This is the template used to update Price or Stock of your existing Sku, support multiple warehouse inventory. (After you create products in bulk with 2.1-Product Listing/Update template, you can use this template to update price or stock of the created products in bulk.)
Please remember to download the latest templates from Miravia's Seller Center-Products-Automatic Feeds before uploading the files.


We also provide the latest xlsx/csv templates here for your convenience.


2. Business logic of Template

1. SellerSku is the unique identifier for the sku which you need to update.

  1. Status: There are 4 cases as follows
  • fillin "delete": Delete the specified sku.
  • fillin "active": Activate the specified sku
  • fillin "inactive": Deactivate the specified sku
  • Leave it as empty:No update

Note: All other inputs are illegal characters, resulting in the error "The value of Status is not valid".

3 Default Stock Quantity: The platform has a default warehouse and the code is "dropshipping" as shown on the Miravia Seller Center-My Account-Setting-Warehouse'. Stock is stored in this warehouse by default. When you don't set up Multiwarehouses, please set the stock by "Default Stock Quantity" parameter and don't need to fillin Warehousecode.


4. Multiwarehouse Code/Stock Quantity these two field are used to support multiple warehouse inventory, you can update your Multiwarehouse quantity with the "Warehousecode" if you have setuped Multiwarehouses in 'Miravia Seller Center-My Account-Setting-Warehouse'.


1) Allowed values of Default Stock Quantity and Stock Quantity are positive number or empty, empty means no update, all other inputs are illegal characters, resulting in the error "The value of Sellable Quantity is not valid".
2) Template supports up to 5 warehouse in one line, you can start up a new line with same "SellerSku" to update additional warehouse and quantity in case more than 5 warehouses for one SKU.

3. Fields explanation

Please, be aware of the Short descriptions for each of the fields. A wrong filling of the file may cause failure of listing or updating.






Indicate the sku you want to update stock or price


-SellerSku is the unique identifier for the sku which you need to update.
-Check that sku already exists in Miravia platform. If not the process will fail.


Indicate the new price that the sku will have


-If the product already has an special price, the new value cannot be lower than special price. - Only positive values and only two decimal are accepted.

Special price

Indicate here if the product has an special price. it will be displayed as a sale price always. Please be careful to set this price. And we suggest you to manage special price with promotion tools in store.


-Special price is the promotion sale price. it should be lower than 'Price'.
-If 'Special price' is empty.then it will be sold with 'price'.
-If 'Special price' is maintained.the 'price' will be displayed as a crossed-out and not effective anymore.
-Special price can't be too low.
-- Only positive values and only two decimal are accepted.


Indicate if you want to Delete/Activate/Deactivate an SKU.


The only allowed values are
or leave it empty. All other inputs are illegal characters, resulting in the error "The value of Status is not valid".

Default Stock Quantity

Indicate the updated stock value of default warehouse whose code is "dropshipping" if you don't set up Multiwarehouses in Seller Center.


-Only numbers(≥0) and empty value are accepted. Empty means no update.
-Please set the stock quantity greater than or equal to promotion booked stock plus existed unshipped order booked stock if there is any.

Multiwarehouse Code 1

If you have stock in different multiwarehouses, indicate here the one that you want to update.


-Before handling multiwarehouses you have to create them in 'Miravia Seller Center-My Account-Setting-Warehouse'. Once you have done it you will get the warehouse code.
-If using Multiwarehouses you don't have to indicate the column Default Stock Quantity.

Multiwarehouse 1 stock

Indicate the respective warehouse's stock


-Only numbers(≥0) and empty value are accepted. Empty means no update.
-Please set the stock quantity greater than or equal to promotion booked stock plus existed unshipped order booked stock if there is any.

Multiwarehouse Code 2

If you have stock in different multiwarehouses, indicate here the one that you want to update.


-Before handling multiwarehouses you have to create them in 'Miravia Seller Center-My Account-Setting-Warehouse'. Once you have done it you will get the warehouse code.
-If using Multiwarehouses you don't have to indicate the column Default Stock Quantity.

Multiwarehouse 2 stock

Indicate the respective warehouse's stock


-Only numbers(≥0) and empty value are accepted. Empty means no update.
-Please set the stock quantity greater than or equal to promotion booked stock plus existed unshipped order booked stock if there is any.

Multiwarehouse Code 3

If you have stock in different multiwarehouses, indicate here the one that you want to update.


-Before handling multiwarehouses you have to create them in 'Miravia Seller Center-My Account-Setting-Warehouse'. Once you have done it you will get the warehouse code.
-If using Multiwarehouses you don't have to indicate the column Default Stock Quantity.

Multiwarehouse 3 stock

Indicate the respective warehouse's stock


-Only numbers(≥0) and empty value are accepted. Empty means no update.
-Please set the stock quantity greater than or equal to promotion booked stock plus existed unshipped order booked stock if there is any.

Multiwarehouse Code 4

If you have stock in different multiwarehouses, indicate here the one that you want to update.


-Before handling multiwarehouses you have to create them in 'Miravia Seller Center-My Account-Setting-Warehouse'. Once you have done it you will get the warehouse code.
-If using Multiwarehouses you don't have to indicate the column Default Stock Quantity.

Multiwarehouse 4 stock

Indicate the respective warehouse's stock


-Only numbers(≥0) and empty value are accepted. Empty means no update.
-Please set the stock quantity greater than or equal to promotion booked stock plus existed unshipped order booked stock if there is any.

Multiwarehouse Code 5

If you have stock in different multiwarehouses, indicate here the one that you want to update.


-Before handling multiwarehouses you have to create them in 'Miravia Seller Center-My Account-Setting-Warehouse'. Once you have done it you will get the warehouse code.
-If using Multiwarehouses you don't have to indicate the column Default Stock Quantity.

Multiwarehouse 5 stock

Indicate the respective warehouse's stock


-Only numbers(≥0) and empty value are accepted. Empty means no update.
-Please set the stock quantity greater than or equal to promotion booked stock plus existed unshipped order booked stock if there is any.

4. Configuration of Automatic Feeds

4.1. How to process files

Mirava offers two options in order to process files into the platform:



4.1.1 sFTP Connection

sFTP: Sellers can upload the feed file to their sFTP severs and setup the connection details in Miravia's seller center. In order that Miravia can fetch the file and leave the result back, you need to set up your folders properly in. Please follow this structure when setting up your folders:


4.1.2 HTTPs url

HTTPs: Instead of using an sFTP connection, you con upload your file to a public https url in order that Miravia can get it. Please follow the same rule on templates and File naming conventions above. URL format please follow bellow:

Http URL for Product Listing/Update:○mydomain.com/{name of the file}

Http URL for Update Price/Stock○mydomain.com/{name of the file}

Note: 1. The file naming rules have been highlighted in this section:

2-Creating the feed files, so please read it carefully

2. Please ensure that the ssl security certificate of the HTTPs link is valid, otherwise will result in failure of connecting with the Miravia.

4.2. Schedule the process

You can schedule the process based on your convenience and you can set each process (Product Listing/Update or Update Price/Stock) with differente configurations. The options are:●By day of the week●How many times a day do you want to feed the file.


4.3. Output

Once the process has finished, Miravia will generate a file with the outputs of the process in "Result"column, you can download them on Seller Center


HTTPs: The results are displayed on above Result column.sFTP: In addition to displaying the results on the above page, the results can also be downloaded from this folder-->/feed/product/processing_result/





