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How to manage your products via API

更新时间:2023/10/06 访问次数:446

How to manage your products via API

Step index

Overview Before starting your business in Miravia, this documentation will help you finish the process of category mapping, product Listing and Update.





  1. Create product

a. Business flow

In order to create producet successful, typically you need to to do with following steps.

    1. Understaning of Category attribute mapping and Brand:
      1. Category: This document is used to introduce the usage of GetCategoryTree and GetCategoryAttributes API and considerations related to product categories. Also will guide you how to get all attributes of the category which used to create a product.
        1. How to map a category: Before listing a product on Miravia, it’s important to map your product’s category to one of our approved categories.
        2. Category Tree: Miravia product categories are tree-structured, only leaf nodes can be used to create products. You cannot use branch nodes to create products.
        3. Categories Attributes These attributes play a crucial role in determining how your product is presented and found in the marketplace. Some of these attributes are mandatory and may have specific requirements or values that need to be met.
      1. Understaning Brands in Miravia
    1. Validate your product structure This endpoint allows you to validate how a product is built according to Miravia specifications, providing valuable feedback on potential errors that may occur when listing the product in a particular way
    2. Manage product images You can choose to process from a image file or a image URL from an external site. If you have image file in your machine, you can use UploadImage to upload an image to the Miravia server. If you have the URL of images on other sites, you can use MigrateImage or MigrateImages to migrate images to the Miravia server.
      1. The flow of API calls
      2. Image and URL requirements
    1. List your product in Miravia
  1. Update product
    1. Business flow
    2. Update price and stock In order to update the stock of the items listed in Miravia we have an specific endpoint in order to manage the changes. There is a minor to update the stock between using only one warehouse or multi warehouses. In this guide, we are going to explain how to update the stock with only one warehouse.
    3. UpdatePriceQuantity
    4. UpdateSellableQuantity Sellable stock is the stock quantity shown to buyers. When you update sellable stock, system will automatically calculate the total stock. The gap between total stock and sellable stock is the stock occupied by orders.
    5. Update product information Update all the attributes of products and skus, also include price and stock.
    6. Add new SKU into existing Products
  1. Delete product



