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1. Product listing methods works in Miravia

更新时间:2023/10/06 访问次数:561


In Miravia's platform, sellers are presented with a diverse set of options for listing and managing their offerings. To better understand and navigate these choices, we will break down the comparison between two primary methods: Miravia Seller Center and the Open Platform.


Miravia Seller Center offers a range of listing options, from manual input to automated feeds, catering to a spectrum of seller preferences. Manual entry allows for a hands-on, user-driven approach, while Excel-based listing streamlines bulk operations. For those seeking real-time updates and seamless integration, automatic feeds offer a powerful solution.


On the other hand, Miravia's Open Platform introduces a world of possibilities through domain-specific APIs and the Feed API. These interfaces empower not only sellers but also third-party developers to harness the platform's potential. Whether it's product management, logistics, order processing, or financial transactions, the Open Platform's APIs provide versatile tools for customization and integration.


Ultimately, the choice of method depends on a seller's unique needs, technical capabilities, and the level of automation and integration desired when engaging with Miravia's platform. This comprehensive comparison will shed light on the intricacies of each method, helping you make informed decisions to enhance your e-commerce journey with Miravia.



Let's break down the comparison between these methods:


  1. Miravia Seller Center:
    1. Manual (All domains): This method involves manually inputting product or service information into Miravia's Seller Center. It is a user-driven process where sellers fill in the required details, such as product descriptions, prices, and images, through the platform's user interface
    2. Excel (Product Listing and Updates): Sellers can use Excel spreadsheets to list and update their products or services in bulk on Miravia's platform. This method allows for more efficient management of large inventories, as sellers can prepare and upload Excel files containing multiple listings at once
    3. Automatic Feeds (Product Listing and Updates): Automatic feeds involve setting up automated processes to list and update products or services. Sellers can connect their systems or software to Miravia's platform, allowing for real-time or scheduled updates to product listings. This method is suitable for sellers with dynamic inventories.


  1. Open Platform
    1. Domains APIs (Product, Logistic, Order, Finance): The Open Platform provides Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for different domains such as product management, logistics, order processing, and financial transactions. This means that third-party developers and sellers can integrate their own software or systems with Miravia's platform to interact with specific aspects of the platform.
    2. Feed API (Product Listing and Updates in Bulk): The Feed API within the Open Platform allows for bulk product listing and updates. Sellers or developers can use this API to automate the process of uploading or modifying a large number of product listings in a more programmatic way, rather than using the manual interface.The choice of method depends on the seller's needs, technical capabilities, and the level of automation and integration they require when working with Miravia's platform.

