文档中心 > Miravia Open Platform

What functionalities you can perform:

  1. Borrow a test seller account: you can create a test account here.
  2. Use the borrowed test seller account to make an API test.
  3. Create a test order
  4. Integration validation
  5. After test it you can deploy you application
  6. Set your ip whitelist.
  7. Set a sensitive data protection here.


1.Borrow a test seller account


    1. You need to go to APP Console - Testing Tools - Loan Test Account section, then click "Loan New Account".Click on "Loan New Account", select the country you want and click OK.
    2. Click on "Loan New Account", select the country you want and click OK.



c. Click on "Loan New Account", select the country you want and click OK.


d. Successfully borrowed account





  • Each open platform account can only borrow one test account at the same time.
  • Each borrowed account is valid for five days.
  • You can click the "Login" button to log in to your test seller account or test buyer account (no password required).




2.Use a test seller account to test the API


1 You need to access the API testing tools through the API reference documentation or Testing Tools.







2.Fill in the required fields and click the "Get Token" button to get the access token for the test seller.



3.Click "Submit" to start the test.





  • The value of Region must be the same as the country of the test account.
  • The Appkey must belong to the currently logged-in account.
  • Before clicking "Get Token", you must borrow an account and fill in the Region, App Key, API Path and click "Get Token".
  • The generated access token can be requested using code, not just in API testing tools.
  • The access token generated by "Get Token" is valid for five days.



3.Create test orders

About this tool

In this tool, we will be able to create orders and follow the whole flow of orders in Miravia.

The main idea is to provide a way to create orders and let users check the behaviour of the order after performing actions (status update) over it.




How-to access the page.

To access this page, please go to App Console option in Open Platform: https://open.miravia.com/apps/

After login, then you can access this page by clicking in the left menu "Create test case" option:



Loan and use test account

As mentioned, in this page we are going to create orders as test cases. The orders created will be associated with the selected loan account, so its neccesary to loan a test account for usage in our test case:


In this example, we use: Arise_open_test40@test.com

Notice that in this page, "loan test account", its possible to access the testing account by clicking in the "login" link. That link will login the user in the seller center of the testing account, so it will be possible for the user to access the product and orders management.


Create test case

After we have loaned our test account, now we can create the test cases. When you click on the "create test case" button, the following form is shown:



Fields description:

  • AppKey: The appKey of the user that will be associated with the test case
  • AppSecret: Will be autocompleted after select appKey
  • Access token: The access token of the testing account. This can be obtained from the "Loan test account" option.
  • Loan account email: The email of the testing account selected, this can be obtained from the "Loan test account" option.
  • Order status: Combo that allows user to select the status of the order items. NOTE: At this moment, only "Unpaid status" is available, but in the near future it will allow user more statuses.
  • Item: Insert here the product item id and the quantity. Remember that it must be a itemId that belongs to the testing account selected.

After filling all the fields, the test case is created:


Explanation of the create test case order and sandbox environment:

When we create a test case with this method, two entities are generated:

  • The order available in the seller center. This is a regular order, that can be managed through the online methods.
  • Simulated order: In our custom sandbox environment, we have generated a copy of the original order, so it is possible for the user to simulate pack, order, and payments without the risks of doing these actions in production environment.



The sandbox environment is available by adding a prefix ("/mock/") over the usual fullfilment and orders endpoint:

'https://api.miravia.es/rest/mock/ + endpoint path'

Endpoint paths available:


  • /mock/orders/items/get
  • /mock/order/get
  • /mock/order/items/get
  • /mock/orders/get


  • /mock/order/package/sof/delivered
  • /mock/order/package/sof/failed_delivery
  • /mock/order/shipment/sof/providers/get
  • /mock/order/pack
  • /mock/order/package/document/get
  • /mock/order/package/rts
  • /mock/order/package/repack
  • /mock/order/package/tracking/update

For more info, please check the api online doc: https://open.miravia.com/apps/doc/api?path=%2Fproduct%2FbatchValidate

To call any of those endpoints and test the options, it is neccesary to do it exactly doing the same procedure as any other endpoint, but using the testing credentials of the loan account and current appke

Search tools and table explanation:

In this table we describe how to search the items and what is the meaning of each column:

  • OrderId: The order id that has been generated for this test case.
  • ItemId: The Order Item ID, this is the ID of the generated order item. The order item id contains the reference to the product id. Also, the status is linked to this entity (order item).
  • Actions for buyer: In this column, it is possible to execute the actions that the user could execute over this order item (pay it, cancel, etc).
  • Available endpoints: In this column, will be shown the endpoints that are callable over this endpoint. For more info about this endpoints, please check the previous section.

For the search tools, at the moment we have two filters available (Order status, and orderId) that allows to get all the order items associated with the order id. The status filter apply over the order items.


4. Integration validation

Redirect to this link: click here

About this tool:

This tool provides developers with a tool to test their software before moving to a production environment. Currently it supports testing for the product domain, but in the near future it will support testing more domains (orders, feed, etc).


The testing capability is related to an "Scene", which belongs to a domain in OpenPlatform. For example, the "Product" or the "Feed" scenes belongs to the product domain in Open platform. The "Orders Single" scene belongs to the Order domain.


Each "Scene" has a set of operations that will be validated by this tool.






Options description

In this page, you can have different fields displayed, depending on what do you select.

Initial status:



Regarding the "identifier" field: depending on the scene, it will vary from one field to another. For the product Scene, it is required that the same seller sku is present in all the requests.

This is required because we want to ensure that through the calls performed, the AppKey is able to manage a complete scenario (For example, in the case of product, its required that this field is present in all the operations performed)

After select Scene and validation method File

After selecting validation method "File", the following status is shown:


After select Scene and validation method Log

The following fields are shown:



How-to use for PRODUCT and Validate with file:

For this scene and file, we require to fill the following operations:

  • createProduct
  • updateProduct
  • updatePriceAndQuantity
  • updateProductStatus

Please check the operations in the OpenPlatform API documentation, and fill the template file accordingly. click here for online doc


  "createProduct": {
    "urlParams": ""
  "updateProduct": {
    "urlParams": ""
  "updatePriceAndQuantity": {
    "urlParams": ""
  "updateProductStatus": {
    "urlParams": ""


After the template is filled, upload the file and execute:


How-to use for PRODUCT and Validate in your System:

In this case, we the operations will be executed in the client application system

The execution flow for this page will be as follows:

1) Go to Integration validation page, select "Validate in your system" option

2) Set value for all the required fields (Identifier)

3) Click on "Start"

4) Send the operations in your system. Keep in mind that the required operations are:





Please check the operations in the OpenPlatform API documentation, and fill the template file accordingly. click here for online doc

5) Click on "Finish" button.

After that, the results should be displayed in the screen:




5.Deploy your application


When your application development and test is completed, you can deploy your application online to the hosting environment.


Take the following steps to complete the deployment process:


1.From the list of your applications, click Manage to open the overview page of your application.



2.On the App Overview page, you can find the App Status field under the Basic Information section.



3.Click Apply Online.



4. Enter the description of your application for deploying it online in the Reason field of the Apply dialog.


5.(Optional) Attach a document file for the request as needed. The document can be the test reports of your application.


6.Click OK.


Once the online deployment request is approved, the status of your application is changed to Online. You can then deploy your application to the requested or planned hosting environment.


6.Miravia - Set IP whitelist


The IP whitelist is a security policy that protects your application and seller data. You can choose to specify the IP address of the server that hosts your application. If the IP whitelist is enabled, API calls can only be initiated from the application hosted on the bound IP server. If no IP address is specified, the IP whitelist feature is disabled by default.Take the following steps to enable the IP whitelist feature.1. Click Manage in the App list to open the App Overview page.



2. In the App Management navigation panel, click IP Whitelist.




  • 3. On the page that is open, enter the IP address of your hosting server in the field. Supported formats include “10.10.10.*” and “”.4. Click Save.



7.Miravia - Request sensitive data access


Miravia Open Platform provides a security framework to protect the sensitive business data of sellers. By default, these business data are masked according to security evaluation. Sensitive business data include:

  • Product information, such as price, stock, and promotion details.
  • Order and order item details
  • Customer name and contact information
  • Financial and transaction statements


To request access to the sensitive business data, you need to go through a review process for your application on Miravia DataMoat, a security module that is integrated with Miravia Open Platform.


Take the following steps to request sensitive data access:


1. From the list of your applications, click Manage to open the overview page of your application.




2. On the App Overview page, you can find the Sensitive Data Privilege field under the Advanced Information section.


3. Click Apply Unmask. The Access to Sensitive Data page on Miravia Datamoat is opened.




4. Follow the instructions on the Access to Sensitive Data page to obtain access to sensitive data for your application. You can also refer to the DataMoat documentation for details.



For detailed introduction to functions and security review process of Miravia DataMoat, see Miravia DataMoat Documentation.

