文档中心 > Miravia Open Platform

1. Miravia account sign up - Getting started

更新时间:2024/01/30 访问次数:925

Welcome to Miravia Open Platform! This step-by-step guide will assist you in registering and onboarding to our open platform. Follow these steps to set up your integration now:

Step 1: Register your Open Platform account with Miravia and verify your profile:

Sign up with your email and verify your email address. Register with your email and finish e-mail verification with Miravia



Verify your profile type. After finishing sign up, you will be asked to verify your profile and identity with open platform, there are 2 types of profiles you can apply, please select based on your business needs:

Seller Profile: Select this if you are a Miravia seller and plan to connect with Miravia through Open API. The applications you create will be for your internal use. You will be prompted to login to your seller center account, and we will create the open platform profile for you after successful login.

ISV Profile SSelect this if you are developing an application to provide services to sellers, and your applications will be publicly available. ISV profiles need to be reviewed by the Miravia legal and Ops team to ensure compliance with local business and data security laws. (It typically takes 2-3 business days for the Miravia team to review and approve your profile.)


Step 2: Create your application with Open Platform:

Once your profile is approved by the Miravia team, you can start creating your first app with Miravia Open Platform.


  • Apply for App Category permission. Before creating the application, you need to obtain permission for the App Category. The application category is used to initialize data configuration when the application is created. It defines the app's authorization strategy, authorization duration, API group permission, API call limit strategy, and other information. An application can belong to only one application category. There are three different types of App categories in Miravia
  • Application for test: For testing purposes, all API permissions are authorized. Only one app can be created.
  • Seller In-House App: Developed for seller internal use. Up to three apps can be created under this category.
  • Public App: For service providers to offer services publicly. Only one app can be created under this category.



Step 3: Loan test acounts and try out our API calls through API explorer

This page shows the following options:


1) Loan Test Account: This button will display the available test accounts. One test account must be selected, in order to perform the tests

2) Region: Current region for the testing. Right now the valid option is "ARISE_ES"

3) AppKey: The appKey that will perform the test. Only the AppKeys that belong to the current seller are avaiable.

4) Api Path: The different paths that are available for the AppKey to test. Please, after select the API path click on the button "Get parameters".

Get parameters: This button will get the parameters for the selected API path. It will also auto-generate some mocked data. After getting the parameters, the "Access Token" Option will be displayed, alongside the rest of the parameters, required for the request:

5) HTTP Verb that will be performed for the API call. Currently in Openplatform, most of the operations use GET or POST, depending on the operation type.

6) Access Token: The access token its a security parameter, required for all the operations for Open platform. From the current UI, you can click on the "Get Token" button, that will get the corresponding access token for the selected loan test account.

Parameters displayed:


How-to use

This tool is mentioned to be used by developers, that want to check the request and the responses of Open platform APIS.

After filling all the required parameters, please click on the "Submit" button:



1) Submit button, please click on it to perform the API call.

2) API Request and headers: In this frame you can checkout how this request its performed. You can check it, and if your system has any errors, could compare the format of the requests to troubleshoot the problem.

3) Response: The Response of the API for this call. Keep in mind that the documentation of this responses can be found in the Open platform API specs here

4) Code sample: An example of a simple client, that could make this request using the published SDK.

Useful information: You have available information regarding the signature here. Please check it for troubleshoot problems related with signature issues.

Step 4: Retrive you app key and app secret from App Management


Step 5: Configure Seller Authorization

Before accessing a seller's account and performing actions such as product listing and management on behalf of the seller, you need to obtain authorization from the seller. Miravia Open Platform follows the OAuth 2.0 protocol. Find more information below:Seller authorization introduction: Provides an overview of seller authorization.Configure seller authorization - Manage a list of sellers who can authorize your application to access their business data in the Miravia marketplace.

Step 6: Call API with official SDK or Http request

  • Call API with official SDK (recommended) - Download official SDK for multiple programming languages, go to App Console -> Testing Tools -> SKD download to download our official SKD


Step 7: Finish Development and Apply Online

After you finished development and ready to go live with your application, go to App Console -> App Management -> App Details and click on Apply Online, it takes about 2-5 business day for our team to review your application and approve.

