文档中心 > Miravia Open Platform

Account Management

更新时间:2023/10/05 访问次数:327


We would like to provide you with a guide on how to obtain a Miravia management account. With this account, you will be able to access various features such as obtaining an app key, app secret, accessing Miravia platform product and order information, and being added to the seller white list.


What funcionalities you can perform:


  1. Miravia account sign up : By registering for your Open Platform account, you can obtain your app key and app secret. Additionally, you will have the option to download the official API SDK.
  2. Seller account link : If you wish to access business data such as product and order information, you will need to apply for seller authorization. This process will grant you the necessary permissions.
  3. App console tutorial: This guide will provide you with a tutorial on how to navigate and utilize the app console. It will cover the features and capabilities available to you.What you can do


