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Product Domain FAQs

更新时间:2023/06/05 访问次数:251

Frequent Asked Questions regarding the product domain.


1. How can I request access for brands?

Log into Miravia Seller Center and go to account settings —> Brand. Click in “Apply Brand Authorization” and search your brand. If it doesn’t exist, you can request the creation introducing the required information by Miravia.

2. How can I know which brands are restricted?

There is no way to get this information proactively. If you want to list a product with a brand that is special and you don’t have the request, Miravia will inform you that you are not allowed to use it.


1. Can I sell all the categories that the platform offers?

No, there are some categories that are special categories. Please, contact Miravia to have more information.

2. How I can know that a category is special?

Using the category tree endpoint, you will see in each category leaf a field that informs if you have permission or not to use the category.

Delivery methods

1. How many delivery methods Miravia offers?

Miravia offers two options for delivery:

DBM (Delivery By Miravia): Miravia is responsible for shipping the product. Miravia’s partner will pick up the product from the respective warehouse. This method only supports: parcels less than 40 KG. A way to calculate this is (Length+Weight+Height) < 300 and (Length*Weight*Height)/6000 < 40.

DBS (Delivery By Seller): On the other hand, when using “Delivery by Seller,” the seller is responsible for handling the shipment.

2. Can everyone use DBS?

No, in order to use DBS you need to request permission to Miravia. Please, contact us so that we can enable it.

3. Can I send some products with DBS and others with DBM?

Yes, you can define the delivery method by item.

4. How can I define the delivery option?

At the moment of create or update the products you can define which delivery method you want to use. Valuing the attribute “delivery_option_sof” with 1 means that you want to use DBS. SOF stands for “Seller Own Fleet”.

