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Fetch the attributes of a category

更新时间:2023/06/06 访问次数:289

Get the attributes

Once you have mapped your category, you need to know which attributes are the ones that are accepted for it. You can use the endpoint /category/attributes/get to do this. Following the previous example of the running shoes for boys, if you check the attributes an example will be:

  "data": [
      "advanced": {
        "is_key_prop": 1
      "input_type": "enumInput",
      "attribute_type": "sku",
      "is_mandatory": 1,
      "name": size",
      "options": [
           "enName": "EU:40",
           "name": "La UE: 40",
           "id": 1435706391


Field Name Field Description
is_key_prop If it is 1, it means that this attribute is a key attribute, and the product score will be improved after filling in
is_sale_prop If it is 1, it indicates that this attribute is a standard sales/variant attribute
name Represents the attribute name that has to be used when you create a product.
options Available options for enumerating attributes of type. - enName: english name of options. Use this value in the createProduct request -name: name of options in the local language.
input_type The type of value that can be entered for this attribute 1: singleselect: you must select one value among the options field. 2: multiselect: you must select one or more values among the options field. 3: enuminput: you can send customised values besides the options values. 4: multienuminput: you can send multiple customised values besides the options values. 5: text: you can send free text. 6: numeric: you can send a free numeric value. 7: date: you can send a date type value 8: richText: can be customised. 9: img: accesible url of images.
attribute_type If the value is “normal”, it means that it is a product property. This attribute should be filled in the “Attribute” field when creating or updating the product. If the value is “sku”, it means that it is a variant property, this attribute should be filled in the “Sku” field when creating or updating the product.
is_mandatory If it is 1, it means that this attribute is required.
property_id property id of this attribute.

Comparison with Miravia Seller Center


