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Product Schema

更新时间:2023/06/05 访问次数:288

Product Schema

As mentioned before, in Miravia, creating a product is a crucial step towards success. It is essential to understand the structure of a product in order to effectively utilize the platform and achieve desired results. A product in Miravia is composed of three main components: product properties, selling properties, and variant properties.

Product properties are the values that define the SPU and include important elements such as category, brand, description, and others. Understanding these properties is key in determining the overall identity and characteristics of a product.

Selling properties refer to the variants of a product and are an important factor in defining the product’s unique selling points. For example, a shirt can have different colors and sizes, and these two values determine the product’s variants. These attributes are going to define the variations of the SPU.

Variant properties, among with the selling properties, define the SKUs of a product. These properties include important attributes such as price, stock, and packages. It is crucial to carefully consider these properties in order to effectively manage your product’s variants and make informed decisions about pricing and stock management.

In conclusion, understanding the structure of a product in Miravia is key to achieving success. By carefully considering product properties, selling properties, and variant properties, you can effectively create and manage your products, increasing the chances of success in the marketplace. We will review in detail these components in further articles.

We can represent a product in Miravia like this:


