文档中心 > Miravia Open Platform

Miravia - Configuration of Automatic Feeds

更新时间:2023/03/15 访问次数:279

1. How to process files

Mirava offers two options in order to process files into the platform:

1.1 sFTP Connection

sFTP: Sellers can upload the feed file to their sFTP severs and setup the connection details in Miravia's seller center.
In order that Miravia can fetch the file and leave the result back, you need to set up your folders properly in. Please follow this structure when setting up your folders:

●/ --------------------------------------------> ROOT folder for sFTP seller account
●/feed/product/ --> Location of feed files generated by the seller

  • /feed/product/ProductListingUpdate_basic_sellerfilename1.xlsx --> Follow Templete1 Product Listing/Update
  • /feed/product/UpdatePriceAndStock_sellername1.xlsx-----> Follow Templete2 Update Price/Stock

●/feed/product/processing_result/ --> Location for feed processing result files generated by Miravia.
●/feed/product/archives/ ---> files that already have been processed will be moved to here to avoid repeat operations.

1.2 HTTPs url

HTTPs: Instead of using an sFTP connection, you con upload your file to a public https url in order that Miravia can get it.
Please follow the same rule on templates and File naming conventions above. URL format please follow bellow:
●Http URL for Product Listing/Update:
○mydomain.com/{name of the file}
●Http URL for Update Price/Stock
○mydomain.com/{name of the file}

1. The file naming rules have been highlighted in this section: 2-Creating the feed files, so please read it carefully
2. Please ensure that the ssl security certificate of the HTTPs link is valid, otherwise will result in failure of connecting with the Miravia.

2. Schedule the process:

You can schedule the process based on your convenience and you can set each process (Product Listing/Update or Update Price/Stock) with differente configurations. The options are:
●By day of the week
●How many times a day do you want to feed the file.

3. Output

Once the process has finished, Miravia will generate a file with the outputs of the process in "Result"column, you can download them on Seller Center

HTTPs: The results are displayed on above Result column.
sFTP: In addition to displaying the results on the above page, the results can also be downloaded from this folder-->/feed/product/processing_result/

