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Miravia - Manage product images

更新时间:2023/01/06 访问次数:338

1. Description

This tutorial guides you to process the new image of a product that already exists on Miravia. You can either load the image file from your machine or migrate the image from the external site.

2. The flow of API calls

  • Process the image to Miravia server by UploadImage/ MigrateImage or MigrateImages API
  • Get SellerSKU of existing product by GetProduct API
  • Link the image with existing product by SetImage API

2.1 Process the image to Miravia server

You can choose to process from a image file or a image URL from an external site. If you have image file in your machine, you can use UploadImage to upload an image to the Miravia server. If you have the URL of images on other sites, you can use MigrateImage or MigrateImages to migrate images to the Miravia server.

Tips : Only valid image URLs from Miravia servers can be linked to the product on Miravia.

2.2 Get SellerSKU of existing product

You can use GetProduct to retrieve the SellerSKU which is the key of your product on Miravia.

2.3 Link the image with existing product

With the image URLs, you can use SetImage to associate one or more image URLs to the existing product within one single request.

3. Notice: Image and URL requirements

3.1 Image requirements

Image size maxOriginalMediaByteSize: 3145728;

Maximum Image height maxOriginalImageHeight: 5000;

Maximum Image width maxOriginalImageWidth:5000;

Minimum image height minOriginalImageHeight:330;

Minimum image width minOriginalImageWidth:330;

Maximum image download time limit downloadMediaTimeoutMilliSec:5000;

Supported image formats:jpg、png、webp;
The maximum size of an image file: 5MB;

Whether ip Image links are supported:false;

3.2 URL verification requirements

1. Only ports 80 and 443 are supported.

2. Perform SSRF verification on the url

3. Domain blacklist:






