Use these API to upload video content into Lazada Media Center through this API and get the corresponding VideoID. After that, user can attach the videoID on CreateProduct or UpdateProduct step when listing products on Lazada.
Initiate a create video task, response the upload ID. (Max video size: 100mb)**************AyXEEjj×tamp=1656396886224&sign=C86D63CD8037FDF9286EF6E6279A2FF633DD8FCF92454E4980E2085A2ED941A6
{ "upload_id": "670A237D27694CFDA74CDE6EC1A99FA5", "result_message": "", "success": true, "result_code": "", "code": "0", "request_id": "21411dbe16563968862437448" }
This API is used to upload video files, if the video file is large then it needs to be uploaded in binary chunks.
For example, an 8MB video file needs to be split into chunks of size 3MB, 3MB and 2MB in binary cut, and then requested in three times.×tamp=1656323464114&sign=27B1F421503C03C2A1933D897AAA3474AC61E7F2DF589BD3D1F96060E33946E3
{ "result_message": "", "success": true, "result_code": "", "e_tag": "61F4949269F20AF4D1025F5825552FC3", "code": "0", "request_id": "2102ebef16563971593057981" }
Calling this API will combine the binary blocks uploaded when calling the uploadvideoblock API and generate a complete video.
Note: the value of "partNumber" starts from 1[{"partNumber": 1,"eTag": "61F4949269F20AF4D1025F5825552FC3"}]&sign_method=sha256&sign=A067FA6D2AE4474802FB1780B0568EE5C71297E2E759E312F339A5C449466491&title=hello×tamp=1656397346312
{ "result_message": "", "success": true, "result_code": "", "video_id": "30073704787", "code": "0", "request_id": "2140d3fa16563973463281042" }
Call this API to get video information and video status.
Note: only when the video status is "audit_success" can it be used when creating or updating products.
{ "cover_url": "*****ac3b6.png", "video_url": "****-****-****-15*******mp4?auth_key=16****39-0-0-5ca4b3db1*******9ad7", "result_message": "", "success": true, "result_code": "", "state": "AUDIT_SUCCESS", "title": "hello", "code": "0", "request_id": "2101554016563981396453606" }