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Miravia - Introduction to DataMoat

更新时间:2022/11/25 访问次数:378

Based on the massive amounts of basic data and the powerful data analysis capabilities of Alibaba, DataMoat utilizes an industry-leading risk detection model to provide risk identification and prevention services for merchants, service providers, and logistics partners in the e-commerce ecosystem. DataMoat conducts real-time detection and identification of abnormal data access behaviors on devices, accounts, applications and systems, and properly disposes of them to achieve data risk prevention before the event, data risk detection during the event, and data risk tracing after the event, and thus ensures the security of core data.

So far, DataMoat covers 93% of all Taobao transactions and orders. It helps service providers finish 180 million analyses on access behaviors to their core data and intercept risks found every day. In addition, it also helps logistics service providers finish 35 million analyses every day. Nearly 8 million terminals of more than 3 million merchants are currently using protected applications from service providers or logistics service providers. With the support of this big data system, Alibaba has assisted public security departments across the country in handling 24 major cases of information leakage, leading to more than 200 arrests of suspects.

Data Risk Prevention

Targeting high-risk data risk points in systems, applications and accounts, DataMoat provides multi-dimensional risk prevention services in host permission management and control, safe login channels, application protections, account risk control, secondary verifications of identities, data encryption and decryption to achieve data risk prevention before the event.

Data Risk Identification

Using a standard data access solution, the data from applications or logistics systems, such as from account logins, operational behaviors and system environments, can all be easily and conveniently connected to the Risk-Control Engine of DataMoat. Integrating massive amounts of basic data and the big data analysis capabilities of Alibaba, DataMoat can help you to analyze the accessed data with a data risk analysis model. You can literally “see” data risks when DataMoat discovers relevant data leakage risks that exist in accounts, personnel and systems in real time.

Data Risk Early Warning

Early warning reports will be sent to security contacts via multiple channels once data risks are identified.

Data Risk Disposal

DataMoat provides details of risks found and feedback channels, as well as millisecond-level auditing tools for massive data, so that you can pinpoint the problems and have risks nipped in the bud.

