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Miravia - Glossary

更新时间:2022/11/30 访问次数:439

App Key

The unique identity of an application on Miravia Open Platform, which is generated when the application is created. The App Key is one of the parameters that must be included in the request of API calls, and the application will be identified with the App Key by Miravia Open Platform.

App Secret

The key that is assigned to an application by Miravia Open Platform when the application is created. The App Secret ensures the security and reliability of the application source. Developers must keep the App Secret properly and should not share it with any third party.


ISVs or individuals developer who have completed registration and are ready to develop applications on Miravia Open Platform. Developers can also be called “Miravia partner”.


Software tools or service that are developed by ISVs or individuals on Miravia Open Platform. Applications can be in-house software or commercial software.


In ecommerce, a product is an exchangeable item, including goods, service, or virtual data products.


Classification of items. It is a structural description of item information for easy item management and shopping guide.


Property, also known as attribute, is the name of a collection of attribute values. Properties represent the attributes of items, like brand, color, volume, style, and model.

SPU/Product Item

SPU stands for “Standard Product Unit” and is a collection of reusable and retrievable standard information that describes the attributes of a product. Items belonging to the same SKU can be considered the same product to the consumers.

Key property

Once the value of a key property is specified, the values of other
properties of the item are also determined. A group of key properties can define an SPU. Key properties can be specified only on level 1 categories. For example, under the category “mobile phone”, “brand” and “model” are both key properties.

Sale property

Sale properties define all the usable properties of SKU. For example, the “color” and “size” properties of the “apparel” category.


SKU stands for “Standard Keeping Unit” and consists of sale properties and property values. Sellers need to select specific SKUs for the items to be created and posted. For example, under the “Men’s Shoes” category, the collection of sale properties “color” + “size” and property values “white” + “39” is an SKU.

