Step 1: Register into the AliExpress Platform
Step 1.1: Before registering a developer account and obtaining appkey, please make sure you have registered an AliExpress Buyer account. If not, please visit here to register.
After becoming an AliExpress member, you must register as a developer account and apply for an AppKey. Please follow the detailed steps below.
Step 1.2: Register as a Developer. In order to create an application, it is first needed to register as a Developer. Once completed you'll be able to complete the App Creation.
Please check the API usage agreement carefully and confirm.
Please fill in the developer’s information shown below. (To ensure you can get our incentive commission, the E-mail address must be the same as the email address on AliExpress Portals at Step 3)
Step 1.3: Apply Dropshipping Appkey : Apply here
Visit and click the ‘Create App’ button shown above.
Choose ‘Drop Shipping’ when selecting your application type and finish the application form.
Fill in the application information and read through the agreement carefully. (To ensure you can get our incentive commission, the E-mail address must be the same as the email address on AliExpress Portals at Step 3)
Confirm your information and submit your application. After submission, you will see this page. Please wait for the approval.
Click the 'App Management' button located at the top of the page. You will see the following notice, indicating that your developer application is under review and should be processed within 1 or 2 days.
Step 1.4: Guide your user to join in Dropshipping center
All Dropshipping API is only for users that join the dropshipping center. The other users cannot use the API, if they want to use your service based on the API, please guide them to join in dropshipping center firstly.
How to join(Required):
Step 1.5: Report DS user information to AliExpress via API
In order to ensure that DS users legally and compliantly the products of AliExpress, and to ensure that our partners get the platform's incentive rights, you need to return DS-related information to us through the API:
From this point onwards, the process is just meant for those who want to directly integrate with the API.
Step 2: Begin technical integration
Step 2.1: SDK Download & Use Example. Note that there is more information and examples under the list "API List".
Step 2.2: Obtain access token (session key). Remember the expiration date depends on the type of developer account: Self-Developer lasts a year, while Comercial-Developer only lasts a month.
Please note that: It is the ISV/Developers' responsibility for notifying the AliExpress buyers to update the access token(For example, via email or mandatorily pushing the users to re-generate the access token in the module/ISV's backend when detecting the old access token is about to expire.). Otherwise, the API invoke will be failed.
Step 2.3: How to invoke API (HTTP) Even though it is technically possible to call the API directly. We recommend you use our SDK.
3.1 Specification of DS Software Service: unless otherwise agreed by AliExpress in writing, one DS Software Service Provider is only allowed to provide one DS Software Service.
3.2 Assessment mechanism of DS Software Service Providers: in order to improve the quality of and skills to provide Software Service and improve the relevant user experience, AliExpress assess the performance of DS Software Service Providers that has provided DS Software Services for 3 months or more on a monthly basis in accordance with the following standards:
Results |
Assessment Criteria
Number of Users of DS Software Services |
the order amount paid by Users on AliExpress platform using DS Software Services (" Order Amount ") |
Premium |
>=1000 |
>= USD10000 |
Pass |
< 1000 > = 100 |
< 10000 USD > = 1000 USD |
Fail |
<100 |
<1000 USD |
Within a calendar month, if a DS Software Service Provider provides DS Software Services to less than 100 Users, or the Order Amount is less than 1,000 USD, the DS Software Service Provider fails to meet the assessment criteria for that month.
3.3 If a DS Software Service Provider violates Article 3.1 or fails to meet the assessment criteria in two consecutive months in accordance with Article 3.2, AliExpress is entitled to terminate the AliExpress API Use Agreement, or suspend or terminate any or all of the services available on AliExpress Open Platform, including, but not limited, the authorization to call APIs, authorization to use software and supporting materials.