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LazOP 2.0 Overview

更新时间:2023/10/17 访问次数:7462


Dear partners, we are delighted to announce that we are launching the new LazOP 2.0! As the market grows, the current features and API defects are becoming blockers for our mutual growth. In order to provider better services and further empower our partners, we've done an upgrade to our current Open API.

With the release of LazOP 2.0, users will get access to a wide range of platform features and capabilities through API, including promotion tools; Lazada Push; reverse order, product reviews and more. In addition, we've done a lot of optimizations to our existing API features to address the pain points that we collected from users.


Additional Notes: https://www.yuque.com/docs/share/cb77f1a4-a614-4649-8453-4574475ee5e7?# 《LazOP 2.0 Overview》


New API Features Release!

1. Product Review API


Now users will be able to retrieve and reply to Product ratings and reviews through our new API functionalities.

Step 1: GetProducts/GetOrderItems: Get the Itemid that you would like to get reviews for.

Step 2: GetProductReviewList: Input Itemid with filter options, we will return the list of review details.

Step 3: SubmitSellerReply: User this API to reply to a specific review. Input reviewid and reply content.

API title





Get the list of review for specific seller



Reply to a specific review


2. Seller API


The previous end point is getting outdated data for seller performance. We are updating the API to return back the most up-to-date data for seller performance related metrics.

API title





Updated data source to get the most up to date seller performance data.



Added new parameter: is_active to indicate seller is active or not.

3. Media Center API


Users now will be able upload video content into Lazada Media Center through this API and get the corresponding VideoID. After that, user can attach the videoID on CreateProduct step when listing products on Lazada.

API title

API path




Initiate a create video task



Upload video block 



Complete your video creation tasks



Retrieve video details



Remove video



Get the video quota for seller


Step 1: InitCreateVideo - Initiate a create video task, response the uploadID. (Max video size: 100mb)

Step 2: User divide video into multiple blocks. (Max block size: 10mb, we recommend < 3mb per block)

Step 3: UploadVideoBlock - Use this API to upload your video blocks and retrieve all the corresponding eTag for each block.

Step 4: CompleteCreateVideo - Finish your video creation tasks by adding more info including:

a. Upload ID from Step 1. b. eTag for each vidoe block. c. Video title. d. Video cover image.

After creation success, you will get the corresponding VideoID as the unique idenfier for this video.

Step 5: CreateProduct - now you can create your product with the videoID get from above steps and attach the video to your products.


GetVideoDetail:Use this API to get the details of your video Including video status; video title; video cover image and video URL.

RemoveVideo:Remove your video from Lazada Media center by inputting your video ID.

GetVideoQuota:Retrieve the video quota for specific seller.


4. Promotion Tools API




4.1 Seller Voucher:


We recommend you read through below article to understand the business rules of Seller Voucher before integrating with our API :


Users now will be able to create, update, activate, deactivate and get vouchers through API. In addition, you will be able to manager your voucher rules on sku level.

Vouchers need to be collected by buyer in order to redeem it. From set up perspective, vouchers are the type of promotion product which contains only 1 discount criteria, and apply 1 discount type.



API Group

API title

API Path


Seller Voucher



Create voucher



Updaet voucher



Get the details of a specific voucher.



Get voucher list.



Activate voucher



Deactivate voucher



Get list of product that voucher can be applied.



Add sku under a specific voucher rule



Remove sku from specific voucher rule

4.2 Free Shipping: 


We recommend you read through below article to understand the business rules of Free Shipping before integrating with our API : https://university.lazada.com.my/course/learn?spm=lzd_university_my.course_detail.module-list.1.39b31fd6L5PpzQ&id=3027&sid=628&type=article

Free Shipping is the type of promotion tool that enables user to set up their free shipping rules flexibly.

API Group

API title

API Path


Free shipping



Create free shipping rule



Update free shipping rule



Get free shipping infomation



Get free shipping list



Activate freeshipping rule



Deactivate freeshipping rule



Get list of products can be applied to freeshipping rule



Add sku into freeshipping rule.



Remove sku from freeshipping rule.

4.3 Flexicombo:


We recommend you read through below article to understand the business rules of Flexicombo before integrating with our API :

Flexicombo allows you to combine your promotion criteria and discount rules flexibly, percent off, buy 3 get 1 free, dollars off etc. We've updated and enabled Flexicombo related APIs to match with seller center.


API Group

API title

API Path





Create flexicombo



Get flexicombo detials



Update flexicombo



Get flexicombo list


5 ReverseOrder Management

ReverseOrder API enables user to manage their reverse orders including return, refund and reject. Please find below our best practices for different senarios:

5.1 Cancel Order:

Step 1: ReverseOrderCancelValidate, input order id to validate if the order can be canceled by seller, generally, orders can be canceled by seller before RTS.

Case A Yes, obtain cancel reason from response go to Step 2.

Case B No -> End, this order cannot be canceled.

Step 2: InitReverseOrderCancel, input order id and cancel reason to cancel the order.


5.2 Manage ReverseOrders (Buyer initiated a cancelation)


Step 1: GetReverseOrderList retreive the list of reverse orders.

Step 2: GetReverseOrderDetail (optional)

Step 3: ReverseOrderReturnUpdate, update action on reverse order.

Option 1 Seller agreed to refund (seller do not need buyer to return product), call ReverseOrderReturnUpdate -> End

Option 2 Seller agreed to return product. Buyer will return the product.

Case A Return product to Lazada Warehouse

Case A.1 seller agreed to refund buyer, call ReverseOrderReturnUpdate -> End

Case A.2 seller refuse to refund buyer, call ReverseOrderReturnUpdate to reject -> End

Case B Return product to seller

Case A.1 seller agreed to refund buyer, call ReverseOrderReturnUpdate -> End

Case A.2 seller refuse to refund buyer, call ReverseOrderReturnUpdate to reject -> End

Option 3 Seller refuse to refund, call ReverseOrderReturnUpdate to reject -> End

Buyer can dispute an reverse order, user can call GetReverseOrderHistoryList to look up the communication details.

All reject actions need to input the reject reason getting from GetReverseOrderReasonList API.

Infomation Look Up

GetReverseOrderList - Get the reverse order list.

GetReverseOrderDetail - User can use this API to get the reserse order details.

GetReverseOrderHistoryList - User can use this API to get the communication history list for a reverse order.

GetReverseOrderReasonList - User can use this API to get all the reject reasons.


API title

API Path




Seller can check whether the order can be canceled through this API and get corresponding reasons if not.



Seller initiate a cancelation.



Seller can use this API to action on return and refund related.



Get the list of reversed order for a specific seller



Get the detailed infomation for a specific reverse order



Get the communication history of the reverse order 



Get the list of reject reason. Need to be used in all refuse refund actions


6 Lazada Push (Webhook)


6.1 Why Push?

Consider a situation that you are fetching new orders, you are calling GetOrders API thousand times an hour(You may get throttled if your step over the limit.). Even you do that, you are not able to get the most up-to-date data. Similar situation for product management. Connecting to Lazada Push allows you to synchronize your data with Lazada at ease.

6.2 4 Easy steps to set up your push today

Step1: Prepare your callback url to receive notifications from Lazop.

Step2: Understand push mechanism details include authorization, retry, etc.. and finish your coding.

Step3: Fill your url in and verify it.

Step4: Subscribe to the push messages.

6.3 Push message overview:

Push Messages


Order Status Change

The subscriber will receive a push message from Lazada when order staus changed. 

Product QC status change

The subscriber will receive a push message from Lazada when the product QC status chenged. 

Product creation notification

The subscriber will receive a push message from Lazada when create product success.

Product edit notification

The subscriber will reveive a push message from Lazada when product details like:  changed.

Product delete notification

The subscriber will reveive a push message from Lazada when products are removed from Lazada.

Low stock notification

The subscriber will reveive a push message from Lazada when product qualitify control review status is updated.

Video status change

The subscriber will receieve a push message from Lazada when uploaded video status is updated

Auth alert Notification

The subscrier will receieve a push message from Lazada when the authorization expires in x days.

Reverse order status

The subscriber will reveive a push message from Lazada once the ReverseOrder status changed.

Category Tree notification

The subsciber will receive a push message from Lazada once there's an update on Category Tree.


6.4 LazOP App console to set up your push message with Lazada


6 Lazada Instant Message (IM) API

Find more details below.


API title

API Path




Return the list of messages for a specific session(conversation) id.



Send a reply to a specific conversation.



Seller can use this API to get the list of Sessions(conversations)



Return the details of a conversation



Mark the conversation as read

IM push


we will push the message to you if there's an incoming message.



Existing API Upgrade!

1 Product Management Upgrade:

1.1 Updates on stock management related API.

Updated API list:

API Name

API path




 New parameters added



 New parameters added



 New parameters added

New parameters added for APIs mentioned above:

Perameter Name



The stock from lazada warehouse - cannot be edited through UpdateQuantityAndPrice API.


Only available for multiware house seller, the stock from user's each ware house.


Stock available for sale, buyer can place order.


Whithholding stock, when buyer placed an order but payment is not complete, we will withhold the stock for 30mins, after that the stock will be released.


After the buyer finished payment, the withhold stock will turn into occupy stock.


totalQantity = sellableQuantity + withholdQuantity + occupyQuantity


same as totalQuantity


The inventory that's occupied by campaigns. 


The name of the campaign.


New response example:

[{ "Status": "active",

 "SkuId": 314525867,

 "Images": ["http://sg-live-01.slatic.net/p/BUYI1-catalog.jpg", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""],

 "SellerSku": "39817:01:01",

 "ShopSku": "BU565ELAX8AGSGAMZ-1104491",

 "Url": "https://alice.lazada.sg/asd-1083832.html",

   "quantity": 50,


        "sellableQuantity": 20,

       "withholdQuantity": 20,

         "occupyQuantity": 20,

      "totalQantity": 60


    "multiWarehouseInventories": [{

  "warehouseCode": "warehouseTest1",

  "sellableQuantity": 20,

    "withholdQuantity": 20,

  "occupyQuantity": 20,

  "totalQantity": 60,

    "quantity": 20

 }, {

  "warehouseCode": "warehouseTest2",

  "sellableQuantity": 30,

    "withholdQuantity": 20,

  "occupyQuantity": 20,

  "totalQantity": 70,

    "quantity": 30


///In case when skus are signed up for campaigns, you will get the below details in campaign level.///


       "sellableQuantity": 20,

         "CampaignName": 60,

         "startTime":"2020-02-03 00:00",

         "endTime""2020-02-03 00:00"



         "sellableQuantity": 20,

         "CampaignName": 60,

         "startTime":"2020-02-03 00:00",

         "endTime":"2020-02-03 00:00"



In case when your skus are occupied by campaigns, when changing your inventory, sum of sellable inventory in all warehouse must be greater than sum of campaign inventory, otherwise update will fail.

Case 1: I only have 1 warehouse and I'm not using Lazada's warehouse, how should I update my stock?





















You can update your stock as shown above, the Quantity here is same with sellable quantity user get from response.

Case 2: I'm a multiware hosue seller and I'm not using Lazada's warehouse, how should I update my stock?

























You can update your stock as shown above per warehouse level.

Case 3: I'm using my own logistics , how should I update my stock

It depends on what warehouse you are using, not related to logistics options.

Case 4: I'm using Lazada's warehouse, how should i update my stock?

You will not be able to update your stock through this API.

1.2 DeactivateProduct API


API Path:/product/deactivate

Currently users are using UpdateProduct API to active and deacticate products which all needs to go through QC status check. In order to simplify the process, we've opened a new API for deactivating products.

You will be able to deactivate your product through this API in either SPU/Item level or SKU level. The deactivate product actions through this API will not go through QC checks.




        <Skus> <!--If you delete this tag, the item will be offline-->





1.3 CreateProduct API updates

1.3.1 Support add Item/SPU level images in CreateProduct request.

Requst Example:











                     <name>api create product test sample</name>

                     <short_description>This is a nice product</short_description>



                     <kid_years>Kids (6-10yrs)</kid_years>


           <!--should be set as ‘Yes’ only for products to be delivered by seller-->






2 Order Management

2.1 Order API Update

  1. We've updated order staus get from OrderAPI to align Seller Center and OrderAPI for Failed Delivered related status as below:
  2. Bug fix: By inputing order status in the request, now you will be only getting matched results.
  3. Added order status flow chart and notes for DG, COD, FBL type of orders. Added flow chart for Failed Delivered related status and API call flow best practices.

2.2 Order status flow chart:

Please find below the updated order status flow and pay attention to different types of order.



2.3 Failed Delivered related Order Status Flow Chart





2.4 API call flow


2.5 Repack API

Newly added API to support user to repack their packages.


2.6 PrintAWB

Use this API to get shipping label in PDF or HTML format in order resolve printing farmating issues.



LazOP Website Revemp

Brand new LazOP homepage and website: Hightlighting ISV partners,easy access to announcement page and developer community live!

1 New LazOP announcement page. Get the most updated API changes! 


2 New Developer Community live.

Post you questions here and our LazOP tech support team(or your fellow developer friends) will reply! Find popular integration tricks and articles to help you quickly onboard with Lazada Open API or new features 


3 Shortcuts for reporting bugs and system issues.



A. Create a ticket and report to LazOP for system defects and issues.


