{ "pages": [ "pages/index/index" ], "plugins": { "MNN": { "version": "REPLACE_WITH_CURRENT_VERSION", "provider": "3000000002046703" } } }
var MNN = requirePlugin('MNN'); var builder = MNN.native_builder; console.log((new builder).supportedOperators()); // Array (36) // 0 "Const" // 1 "Input" // 2 "Convolution" // ...
var MNN = requirePlugin('MNN'); var loader = MNN.loader; var builder = MNN.native_builder; var data = await getMyModelData(); // 请自行实现模型数据获取方法 var map = await loader.loadMNN(data, [new builder]) 【可选】如果数据格式读取出来为 ArrayBuffer,请通过 Uint8Array 转变为 byte 流 data= new Uint8Array(data); var map = await loader.loadMNN(data, [new builder])
若使用过程中,出现unsupported op: opname, type: optype的错误日志,则表明模型中存在MNN未支持的算子。
var map = await loader.loadMNN(data, [new builder]) var input1 = map["net/input1"]; var input2 = map["net/input2"]; var output1 = map["net/prob1"]; var output2 = map["net/prob2"];
// setData = async function(data, type, dims, format) { ... } var data = new Float32Array(3 * 144 * 256); var buffer = data.buffer.slice(data.byteOffset, data.byteLength); await input1.setData(buffer, "float32", [1, 256, 144, 3], "NHWC");
// getData = async function(format) { ... } var score = await output1.getData("NHWC"); var data =; var type = score.type; var dimensions = score.dims;
// infer = async function(outVarArr, outFmtArr, inVarArr, inFmtArr, inTypeArr, inDimsArr, inDataArr) var input1Buffer = prepareData(); var input2Buffer = prepareData(); var net = output1.__proto__; // notice, infer is defined on __proto__ var results = await net.infer( // outputs [output1, output2], ["NC4HW4", "NHWC"], // inputs [input1, input2], ["NHWC", "NC4HW4"], ["float32", "float32"], [[1, 3, 64, 64], [1, 3, 64, 64]], [input1Buffer, input2Buffer] ); var result1 = results["net/prob1"]; var result2 = results["net/prob2"];
let process = { "type": "image", "sourceFormat": "rgba", "destFormat": "bgr", }; await input1.setData(rgba.buffer, "float32", [1, 256, 144, 3], "NHWC", process);
let process = { "type": "image", "sourceFormat": "rgba", "destFormat": "bgr", }; let results = await net.infer( outputs, formats, [input], ["NHWC"], ["uint8"], [[1, 256, 144, 4]], [rgba.buffer], [process] );
let image = { width: 640, height: 320 }; let input = { width: 320, height: 160 }; let offset = { x: (image.width - input.width) / 2, y: (image.height - input.height) / 2 }; let process = { "type": "image", "sourceFormat": "rgba", "destFormat": "bgr", "filterType": "nearest", "wrapType": "clamp_to_edge", "means": [102.9801, 115.9465, 122.7717, 0.0], "norms": [0.017, 0.017, 0.017, 0.0], "cropAndResize": [[offset.x, offset.y, input.width, input.height], [0, 0, input.width, input.height]], // "matrix": [ // input.width / image.width, 0, 0, // 0, input.height / image.height, 0, // 0, 0, 1 // ] };
means和norms为归一化参数,可选参数,计算规则为(value - mean[x]) * norms[x],默认值分别为0和1;
cropAndResize为裁切缩放,可选参数,不能与matrix同时生效,值为由两组[x, y, width, height]定义的源图片区域和目标图片区域;
Object.values(map).forEach(v => { v.release(); });
The MNN plugin uses MNN to speed up deep learning inference in the Mini App. The plugin is mainly composed of loader for loading models and builder for inferential calculation.
You need to apply for permission to use the MNN plugin. Please contact the Mini App staffs. After approval, you need to add plugin-related information in your app.json file, as follows:
{ "pages": [ "pages/index/index" ], "plugins": { "MNN": { "version": "REPLACE_WITH_CURRENT_VERSION", "provider": "3000000002046703" } } }
Currently, the plugin only supports loading MNN models. Please refer to documentation for MNN model conversion.
Use the supportedOperators method to get the list of currently supported MNN operators. Examples are as follows:
var MNN = requirePlugin('MNN'); var builder = MNN.native_builder; console.log((new builder).supportedOperators()); // Array (36) // 0 "Const" // 1 "Input" // 2 "Convolution" // ...
If your model contains operators that are not in the list, please contact the Mini App staffs. *
Load the MNN model using the loadMNN method. When loading, you need to pass in the model data and the builder used to build the calculation graph. An example is as follows:
var MNN = requirePlugin('MNN'); var loader = MNN.loader; var builder = MNN.native_builder; var data = await getMyModelData(); // 请自行实现模型数据获取方法 var map = await loader.loadMNN(data, [new builder])
If message like unsupported op: opname, type: optype appears in error logs, there is an operator not supported by MNN in the model. *
Currently, plugins only support accelerated inference through MNNs integrated within the app. Pass builder as a parameter to the loader to construct the calculation graph. Access variable representing each tensor by tensor's name. An example is as follows:
Access variable by tensor's name as follows:
var map = await loader.loadMNN(data, [new builder]) var input1 = map["net/input1"]; var input2 = map["net/input2"]; var output1 = map["net/prob1"]; var output2 = map["net/prob2"];
variable provides the setData, getData methods for setting inputs, getting outputs, or using the infer method provided on the prototype to do the input and output at one time.
setData needs to pass in 4 parameters: data, data type, dimension information and data layout. On the data type, float32, uint8, int8 are currently supported. On the data type, NCHW, NHWC and NC4HW4 are currently supported. An example is as follows:
// setData = async function(data, type, dims, format) { ... } var data = new Float32Array(3 * 144 * 256); var buffer = data.buffer.slice(data.byteOffset, data.byteLength); await input1.setData(buffer, "float32", [1, 256, 144, 3], "NHWC"); getData needs to pass in the data layout, examples are as follows: // setData = async function(data, type, dims, format) { ... } var data = new Float32Array(3 * 144 * 256); var buffer = data.buffer.slice(data.byteOffset, data.byteLength); await input1.setData(buffer, "float32", [1, 256, 144, 3], "NHWC");
infer can simplify multiple input or output calls, examples are as follows:
// infer = async function(outVarArr, outFmtArr, inVarArr, inFmtArr, inTypeArr, inDimsArr, inDataArr) var input1Buffer = prepareData(); var input2Buffer = prepareData(); var net = output1.__proto__; // notice, infer is defined on __proto__ var results = await net.infer( // outputs [output1, output2], ["NC4HW4", "NHWC"], // inputs [input1, input2], ["NHWC", "NC4HW4"], ["float32", "float32"], [[1, 3, 64, 64], [1, 3, 64, 64]], [input1Buffer, input2Buffer] ); var result1 = results["net/prob1"]; var result2 = results["net/prob2"];
The plugin provides pre-processing for input data. Preprocessing is passed to the setData and infer function as an optional parameter, for example:
let process = { "type": "image", "sourceFormat": "rgba", "destFormat": "bgr", }; await input1.setData(rgba.buffer, "float32", [1, 256, 144, 3], "NHWC", process); or let process = { "type": "image", "sourceFormat": "rgba", "destFormat": "bgr", }; let results = await net.infer( outputs, formats, [input], ["NHWC"], ["uint8"], [[1, 256, 144, 4]], [rgba.buffer], [process] );
When the model contains multiple inputs, if an input does not require preprocessing, you can pass in undefined as placeholder.
Supported preprocessings are described in detail below.
The image preprocessing corresponds to the ImageProcess of MNN. Therefore, you can also refer to [Document] ( and use it as follows:
let image = { width: 640, height: 320 }; let input = { width: 320, height: 160 }; let offset = { x: (image.width - input.width) / 2, y: (image.height - input.height) / 2 }; let process = { "type": "image", "sourceFormat": "rgba", "destFormat": "bgr", "filterType": "nearest", "wrapType": "clamp_to_edge", "means": [102.9801, 115.9465, 122.7717, 0.0], "norms": [0.017, 0.017, 0.017, 0.0], "cropAndResize": [[offset.x, offset.y, input.width, input.height], [0, 0, input.width, input.height]], // "matrix": [ // input.width / image.width, 0, 0, // 0, input.height / image.height, 0, // 0, 0, 1 // ] };
among them:
type is preprocessing type, a required parameter, and its value should be image;
sourceFormat is the image colorspace, an optional parameter, available values: bgr, bgra,gray, rgb,rgba, yuv_nv12,yuv_nv21, defaults rgba;
destFormat is the target colorspace, an optional parameter, available values: bgr, bgra,gray, rgb,rgba, yuv_nv12,yuv_nv21, defaults rgba;
filterType is the interpolation method, an optional parameter, available values: nearest, bilinear,bicubic, defaults nearest;
wrapType is edge wrap type, an optional parameter, available values: clamp_to_edge, zero,repeat, defaults clamp_to_edge;
means and norms are normalized parameters, optional parameters, the calculation rule is (value - mean[x]) * norms[x], the default values are 0 and1 respectively;
cropAndResize is cropping and scaling, an optional parameter, and an alternative to matrix, its value is source image rect and target image rect defined by two [x, y, width, height] arrays;
matrix is transformation matrix, an optional parameter, and an alternative to cropAndResize, its value is a transformation matrix composed of 9 number.
After use, you need to call the release method to release resources occupied by variables. An example is as follows:
Object.values(map).forEach(v => { v.release(); });