
错误代码 描述 HTTP状态码
MissingParameter The input parameter “parameter name” that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied. 400
InvalidParameter The specified parameter “Action or Version” is not valid. 400
InvalidAccessKeyId.NotFound The Access Key ID provided does not exist in our records. 404
IncompleteSignature The request signature does not conform to Aliyun standards. 400
IllegalTimestamp The input parameter “Timestamp” that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied. 400
InvalidOwnerId The specified OwnerId is not valid. 400
InvalidOwnerAccount The specified OwnerAccount is not valid. 400
InvalidOwner OwnerId and OwnerAccount can’t be used at one API access. 400
Throttling Request was denied due to request throttling. 400
InvalidAction The specified action is not valid. 403
ActionUnauthorized The specified action is not available for you 403
UnsupportedHTTPMethod This http method not supported. 403
UnsupportedParameter The parameter ”<parameter name>” is not supported. 400
Forbidden.InstanceNotFound The specified DB instance does not exist. 404
Forbidden.RAM The user is not authorized to operate the specified resource, or this operation does not support RAM. 403
Forbedden.NotSupportRAM This action does not support accessed by RAM mode. 403
Forbidden.RiskControl This operation is forbidden by Aliyun Risk Control system. 403
InsufficientBalance Your account does not have enough balance. 400
Forbidden.Authentication This operation is forbidden by Aliyun Realname Authentication system. 403
Invalid<parameter name>.ValueNotSupported The specified parameter “parameter name” is not valid. 400
Invalid<parameter name>.Malformed The specified parameter “parameter name n” is not valid. 400
InvalidParameter The specified parameter “ parameter name n “ is not valid. 400


错误代码 描述 HTTP状态码
InvalidRegionId.NotFound The DBInstanceId provided does not exist in our records. 404
InvalidSecurityIPList.Duplicate The Security IP address is not in the available range or occupied. 400
InvalidSecurityIPListLength.Malformed The security IP address is beyond the available range or is already used. 400
InvalidEngineVersionInRegion.NotAvailable The EngineVersion in the Region is not available. 403
InvaildEngineInRegion.NotAvailable The Engine in the Region is not available. 403
InvaildDBInstanceClassInRegion.NotAvailable The DBInstanceClass in the Region is not available. 403
OperationDenied The resource is out of usage. 403
RegionUnauthorized There is no authority to create instance in the specified region. 403
QuotaExceeded.CreateInstance The quota of create instance exceeds. 403
InvalidDBInstanceId.NotFound The specified DBInstanceId does not exist. 404
MissingParameter The input parameters “DBInstanceClass” and “DBInstanceStorage” all blank or no change. 400
OperationDenied.DBInstanceType The operation is not permitted due to type of instance. 400
OperationDenied.DBInstanceStorageReduce The operation is not permitted due to reduce storage. 403
OperationDenied.DBInstanceStatus The operation is not permitted due to instance status. 403
DependencyViolation The operation is not permitted due to instance mount read only or guard instance. 403
InvalidConnectionStringPrefix.Duplicate The connection string is not in the available range or occupied. 400
QuotaExceeded.SwitchTime The quota of switch time exceed. 400
OperationDenied.LockMode The operation is not permitted due to lock of instance. 403
InvalidSecurityIps.Duplicate The quota of security ip exceeds. 400
OperationDenied.CurrentEngineVersion The operation is not permitted due to specified current version . 400
OperationDenied.ReadOnlyDBInstanceLower The operation is not permitted due to higher read only instance version . 403
OperationDenied.GuardDBInstanceLower The operation is not permitted due to higher guard instance version . 403
OperationDenied.MasterDBInstanceState The status of the specified master instance does not support this operation. 403
QuotaExceeded.DBName The quota of db exceeds. 400
InvalidDBName.Duplicate The specified DB name is invalid or already exists. 400
InvalidParameter.Keyword The specified DBName is a reserved keyword. 400
OperationDenied.DBStatus The status of the database does not support this operation. 403
OperationDenied.DBInstanceEngine The operation is not permitted due to engine of instance. 403
FTPServiceUnavailable The service is unavailable now; wait several minutes and try again. 403
QuotaExceeded.Upload The quota of file exceeds. 403
InvalidFileName.NotCompleted The specified “FileName” is not completed . 404
InvalidFileName.NotAvailable The specified “FileName” is not Available . 404
QuotaExceeded.FileSize The quota of file size exceeds. 403
QuotaExceeded.DBInstanceStorage The quota of instance storage exceeds. 403
InvalidDBInfo.Malformed The specified parameter “DBInfo” is not valid or db not exist. 400
OperationDenied.Region The operation is not permitted due to different region. 403
OperationDenied.Engine The operation is not permitted due to different engine. 403
OperationDenied.DBInstanceId The operation is not permitted due to DBInstanceId and SourceDBInstanceId is same. 403
InvalidTaskId.NotFound The ImportId provided does not exist in our records. 400
OperationDenied.IncorrectTaskStatus The operation is not permitted due to status of import. 403
InvalidAccountName.keyword The specified AccountName is a reserved keyword. 400
InvalidAccountName.Duplicate The specified AccountName already exists. 400
QuotaExceeded.AccountName The quota of account exceeds. 403
OperationDenied.AccountStatus The status of the account does not support this operation. 403
InvalidDBName.NotFound The specified database does not exist. 404
OperationDenied.AccountType The operation is not permitted due to type of account. 403
OperationDenied.BackupJobExists You cannot perform this operation; a backup job exists. 403
OperationDenied.NoDatabase The operation is not permitted due to no database. 403
InvalidStartTimeAndEndTime.Malformed The EndTime must be later than or equal to the StartTime. 400
OperationDenied.BackupJobExists You cannot perform this operation; a backup job exists. 403
InvalidBackupId.NotFound The BackupId provided does not exist in our records. 404
OperationDenied.NotFoundBackup The operation is not permitted due to no backup. 403
OperationDenied.BackupStatus The operation is not permitted due to type of backup. 403
OperationDenied.BackupMethod The operation is not permitted method of backup. 403
OperationDenied.TempDBInstanceExists You cannot perform this operation; a temp instance exists. 403
Forbidden.Authentication The operation is forbidden by Aliyun Realname Authentication System. 403
IncorrectDBInstanceConnType Current DB instance conn type does not support this operation. 404
IncorrecttVpcId.Mismatch The specified parameter “VpcId “ is not valid. 400
IntranetNetTypeNotExists Current DB instance net type does not support this operation. 404
InvalidDBInstanceName.NotFound The DBInstanceId provided does not exist in our records. 403
InvalidConnectionMode.ValueNotSupported The specified parameter “ConnectionMode” is not valid. 400
InvalidConnectionString.Duplicate Specified connection string already exists in the Aliyun RDS. 403
InvalidConnectionString.Duplicate Specified connection string or port want to be modified is the same with current net type. 400
InvalidConnectionStringPrefix.Duplicated The specified connection string already exists. 403
InvalidCurrentConnectionString.NotFound Specified current connection string doesn’t exist. 400
InvalidDBInstanceId.NotFound The specified DBInstanceId does not exist. 400
InvalidDBInstanceId.QuotaExceeded The quota of instance id exceeds. 400
InvalidDBInstanceNetType.NotFound The Specified DB instance net type is not found. 404
InvalidDBinstanceNetType.ValueNotSupport The specified parameter “DBinstanceNetType” is not valid. 400
InvalidDBInstanceType.ValueNotSupport The specified parameter “DBInstanceType” is not valid. 400
InvalidEngineVersion.Malformed The specified parameter “EngineVersion” is not valid. 400
InvalidInstanceNetworkType.ValueNotSupported The specified parameter “InstanceNetworkType” is not valid. 400
InvalidParameter The specified parameter “dbInstanceId” is not valid. 400
InvalidPort.Malformed Specified port is not valid. 400
InvalidPrivateIpAddress.Duplicated Specified private IP address is duplicated. 400
InvalidPrivateIpAddress.Mismatch Specified private IP address is not in the CIDR block of virtual switch. 400
InvalidVPCId.NotFound The specified connection string or port does not match the current network type. 400
InvalidVSwitchId.Mismatch Specified instance and virtual switch are not in the same zone. 400
InvalidVSwitchId.NotFound Specified virtual switch is not found in specified VPC. 400
NetTypeExists Specified net type already existed. 400
NetTypeExists Specified public net type already existed. 403
OperationDenied.DBInstanceNetType The network type of the specified instance does not support this operation. 403
OperationDenied.DBInstanceStatus The specified connection string or port does not match the current network type. 403
OperationDenied.DBInstanceType The operation is not permitted due to type of instance. 403
OperationDenied.LockMode The instance is locked. 403
OperationDenied.Switch Specified instance cannot be switched. 400
OperationDenied.Switch Specified instance cannot be switched to VPC. 403
OperationDenied.SwitchToVPC Specified instance cannot be switched to VPC. 403
OperationDenied The requested resource is sold out in the specified zone; try other types of resources or other regions and zones. 403
OperationDenied The vpc cloudinstanceIp is use, please check params. 406
OperationDenied The vpc service is error, please check params. 400
PARAMETER_ERROR The vpc request parameter may not be null. 406
PARAMETER_MUST_NOT_NULL The parameter must not be null. 406
PublicConnectionExists PublicConnection exists. 403
bpcIzNoNotEqualsRdsMultIzNo Specified vpc IzNo not equal rds IzNo. 400
IncorrectDBInstanceState CurrentDB instance state does not support this operation. 403
IncorrectDBInstanceType CurrentDB instance type does not support this operation. 400
IncorrectDBInstanceLockMode CurrentDB instance lock mode does not support this operation. 400
ParamNotSupportedForCurrentVersion Parameteris not supported for current version. 400
InvalideStatus.Format MigrateTask Status is not valid. 400
EngineVersionNotSupported EngineVersion specified cannot be replicate with the source DB Instance. 400
EngineNotSupported Engine specified cannot be supported the operation.. 400
ConnectionModeNotSupported ConnectionMode specified cannot be replicate with the source DB Instance. 400
InvalidConfigurationValue.Malformed Specified ConfigurationValue is not valid. 403
InvalidConfigurationValueStatus.Malformed Specified ProxyConfigurationValue (status) is not valid.. 403
InvalidConfigurationValueOrther.Malformed Specified ProxyConfigurationValue (check_interval_seconds or max_failed_login_attempts or blocking_seconds ) is not valid. 403
ProxyConnectionPersistExists Specified same ProxyConnectionPersist already exists. 400
ProxyConnectionPersist.NotFound Specified same ProxyConnectionPersist already exists. 400
ProxyConnectionPersist.NotFound Specified ProxyConnectionPersist is not found. 400
ProxyConnectionPersistParametersInvalid ProxyConnectionPersist parameter out of range 400
InvalidConfigValue ProxyConnectionPersist parameter config table not exits or data error. 400
InvalidDBInstance.NotFound Specified instance does not exist or not support. 400
ProxyConnectionPersist.NotFound Specified ProxyConnectionPersist is not found. 400
ProxyConnectionPersistParametersInvalid ProxyConnectionPersist parameter out of range. 400
InvalidConfigValue parameter config table not exits or data error. 400