The AliExpress open platform SDK provides request encapsulation, digest signature, response interpretation, message monitoring, and other features for APIs. The SDK also helps the developer invoke APIs, obtain API results, and monitor messages in real time.
Applications need to obtain access permission for an API before invoking it, and the download of the SDK is associated with applications. The SDK downloaded by different applications may vary.
Log in to the AliExpress open platform, you will see your application(s).
Click the “Application Management” button of your application.
On the console, click “Download SDK” menu in the left side, you will see the SDK page. Choose the SDK type you want to download. Let’s take Java SDK as example.
If you have generated the SDK, the page will show both download link and generate link. Otherwise there is only generate link. You can click on the generate link to generate SDK. After about 3 minutes, the SDK will be generated. You can refresh the page, click on the SDK type and check the last generated time (its format is year-month-date hour:minute:second) to see if the SDK generation has been completed.
Open the details page of an API to check the Request Example of this API.