文档中心 > Lazada Open Platform

Product API

更新时间:2022/07/29 访问次数:1266

The table below lists APIs that can be used for product management.

API name Description
GetBrandByPages Retrieve all product brands in the system.
GetCategoryTree Retrieve the list of all product categories in the system.
GetCategoryAttributes Get a list of attributes with options for a given category.
GetCategorySuggestion Get product’s category suggestion by inputting the product title.
UploadImage Upload an image to the Lazada server from local workstation.
MigrateImage Migration an image to the Lazada server from external sites.
MigrateImages Migration multiple images to the Lazada server from external sites.
GetResponse Get the returned information from the system for the UploadImages and MigrateImages API.
CreateProduct Create a new product using the prepared information.
GetQcStatus Get the quality control status of items being created.
GetProducts Get all or a range of products that meets the specified conditions.
GetProductItem Get all SKUs under one single product by ItemId or SellerSku
SetImages Set the images for an existing product by associating one or more image URLs with it.
UpdateProduct Update attributes or SKUs of an existing product.
UpdatePriceQuantity Update the price and quantity of one or more existing products.
RemoveProduct Remove an existing product from the system.
AdjustSellableQuantity Use this API to increase or decrease sellable quantity of one or more existing products.
UpdateSellableQuantity Use this API to update sellable quantity of one or more existing products.
GetSellerItemLimit The platform will provide the product quantity limit information by this interface.

