文档中心 > Lazada Open Platform

Set IP whitelist

更新时间:2018/01/31 访问次数:873

The IP whitelist is a security policy that protects your application and seller data. You can choose to specify the IP address of the server that hosts your application. If the IP whitelist is enabled, API calls can only be initiated from the application hosted on the bound IP server. If no IP address is specified, the IP whitelist feature is disabled by default.

Take the following steps to enable the IP whitelist feature.
1. Click Manage in the App list to open the App Overview page.
2. In the App Management navigation panel, click IP Whitelist.
3. On the page that is open, enter the IP address of your hosting server in the field. Supported formats include “10.10.10.*” and “”.
4. Click Submit.

